Chapter 10 He's HIS Master

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(Pictured above is Master Remy)

Chapter 10 He's HIS Master


"Come on Payton, let's go the club." I open one eye and give Tommy a blank look. "If you were just going to stay in the dorm for the whole break you should have gone to your parents. I thought the point of staying in Chicago was to have some fun over the holidays. The club's open for members only tonight. You're an official member now, it'll be great."

"The Red Door on Christmas...isn't that a little sacrilegious T?" I ask.

"Right, and y'all are such the good Christian. Pay, you haven't stepped into a Church since..."

Tommy stops short, a sad look coming over his face. He knows exactly the last time I stepped into a Church. It was his parent's funeral. I couldn't bear the defeated frown that came over his face so I hop up off my bed and pull him into a tight hug. He's a few inches taller than me, but he bends down and I feel his head rest on my shoulder. Tommy is quiet and I know if I let him stay on those thoughts for too long, he'll get pulled into a melancholy mood that could last for several days.

"You're right T. Christmas night at the Red Door is perfect. Ashton will probably be there and since Chris went away for the holidays Ash will probably want some company. Tai's probably around we can see if he wants to come...and..."

Tommy straightens up. "And Lane will probably be there," he finishes and my mood drops.

Yeah, the main reason I didn't want to go in the first place. The reason I was ready to hole myself up in our dorm room for....'til the end of the semester maybe? He recently found out that Master Matthias had still been training subs, me among them, even after they were together and he was more than a little upset about it, especially at me since we're friends. He's angry that I never told him. I honestly didn't keep it from him, I assumed he knew, but most importantly, there was nothing sexual about the training, so there was nothing to tell. I had to be naked some of the time, but there was tons of nudity at the club. Master Matthias never did anything sexual with his trainees though and that's what each of us had to confirm with him when he found out.

"He's not still mad at you Pay. You didn't do anything wrong, he was just caught up in the moment, he freaked when he thought Master Matthias was cheating on him and you know how he gets. He's just very emotional, but at the end of the day he knows you're his friend and that you'd never hurt him. Y'all are going to just have to sit down and talk it out." Typical Tommy answer, in his light southern drawl making me feel like I was on an episode of Dr. Phil. 'Talk it out,' the actual opposite thing I wanted to do.

When Tommy and his parents moved up from Georgia, next door to us just before 5th grade, I had never heard a Southern accent before and although he has lost a lot of it, he still uses expressions like y'all, which to this day makes me chuckle. Tommy is probably the most caring person I know and for some reason, his accent just makes his words that much more comforting.

"I'm not good at that, I don't do confrontation very well, you know that," I sigh and sit back down heavily on my bed. My typical reaction is avoidance instead. Classes had already ended for the break so I hadn't seen Lane face to face since the phone call where Master Matthias asked me to tell Lane exactly what happened during our training sessions.

Of course I told the truth. Nothing. Nothing except the training. Master Matthias is strict, he expects perfection from his subs and accepts no less. Perfection was never my strong point, so my training seemed to take a lot longer than Tommy. Master Matthias spoke to me about it and I was honest. I was nervous, scared even. I told him why too, something that happened that I'd never told anyone, not even Tommy, my best friend.

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