Chapter 13 Eyes Wide Open

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(pictured above is one of Payton's favourite parts of Master Remy)

Chapter 13 Eyes Wide Open


When Master Remington leads me back into the main room where they're setting up for Master Matthias and Lane's show, his hand on the small of my back, my body is hyper-aware. Every nerve ending feels hot, my insides quivery and I don't know whether I'm going to throw up, pass out or jump up and cheer. I don't dare look behind me at Master Remington. Wait...shouldn't I be walking behind him. I desperately try to remember all of the things that Master Matthias taught me, yet my mind goes blank. God, I'm such a disappointment. I just knew I was going to make him look bad, and in front of his cousin of all people.

I can just picture it, 'what kind of subs do you train Matthias?'.

'I shouldn't even be here, I shouldn't be with such a...a Dom like Master Remington', I think, 'I should be with one of the new Doms that just got their membership'. Though, I noticed that Master Matthias has paired them with seasoned subs. Even Doms needed experience to reach their full potential, I vaguely remember Master Matthias saying. At least I remembered something he said.

I glance back at Tommy who is walking behind me on my right, Master Remington on my left leading me with his right hand. Tommy gives me a reassuring look before his eyes go back down to the floor. Master Remington is leading us up to the VIP section which frightens me even more. Peeking up through my eyelashes I can see Master Matthias sitting up on his couch with Lane in his lap. Lane straddling him, his face tucked into his neck while they speak quietly. I don't dare keep my eyes on either of them very long, but I'm aware that my training Master is watching as Master Remington leads us to an empty couch, which happens to be next to them.

"Sit right here Payton," Master Remington says in his smooth French accent. "Tommy, you can sit on the other side of him." I look at the sofa and then glance to the side. Master Mike's chair is on the other side of Master Matthias and Lane with Denny kneeling next to his thigh. Master Rowan is next to them, with Toby, his sub for the night, kneeling in front of his widespread legs while the tall Dom pets his head and observes the goings on.

"Payton?" Master Remington questions, as I feel Tommy give me a subtle nudge.

"Huh..." I startle out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry Sir, did you say sit? Aren't Tommy and I supposed to kneel on the floor?"

"You're my guests Payton," Master Remington says with what sounded like forced patience, "I have not engaged you as a submissive tonight, so you may sit next to me." I quickly nod and sit down as gracefully as I can while taking up as little room as possible. Tommy sits down next to me and I can see his curious eyes darting around the room taking in the club from a spot we've never been before.

I feel rather than see, Master Remington sit down beside me, his large frame filling up about the same space Tommy and I take up together as his muscular thighs fan out and his broad shoulders expand. The unexpected dip in the couch almost makes me slide into his side, but I manage to keep my balance as I gasp slightly and feel a shudder of nervous energy run through my spine.

I feel his large hand at the base of my back once again, "Relax, you're like a skittish little red fox right now. Would you rather leave?" He asks quietly, his head right by my ear.

"No! I mean, no Sir. I'm sorry. I'm fine." I turn to him and try to give him a relaxed smile before looking down, which, while turned was looking directly down at his crotch. His crotch in leathers. Holy fuck, kill me know...I can't breathe. The skin just above his pants looks soft over his hard abs and I can't help but stare and wish I could touch it. Ashton would love his belly button. I dart my eyes up over his bare chest and it almost makes my dizzy. I love his tattoos, I want to ask him what they mean, but I don't dare.

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