Chapter 26 Catch Me if You Can

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(A brooding Chris pictured above)

Chapter 26 Catch Me if You Can


"No, no, no! Stop! Please, stop! I'm begging you!" I plead but he keeps coming at me so I tense, waiting for the impact.

He jumps and takes me to the ground easily. I groan as my back hits the grass and his weight lands on top of me. His drool drips onto my face and luckily, I turn my head just in time so it lands on my cheek and not my mouth. I laugh as he starts licking me as if saying sorry for the drool. Wrapping my arms around his big furry body, I hug him tightly before rolling over so he's under me. He barks his annoyance but his tongue flops out quickly as I rub his belly.

"Oh I knew you'd like that." I laugh as his leg starts kicking away.

"Ashton," someone calls out and I look up before frowning.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" I ask while getting to my feet and Master Gideon stops in front of me.

"I went to the shelter to ask if you were free for lunch and was told I could find you here," he explains as I look him up and down; he looks real good in a suit.

"Oh well I was just getting Ozzie some play time," I mumble while picking up the ball Ozzie dropped before he jumped on me.

"So this is the famous Ozzie? He's a looker," Master Gideon smiles while crouching and Ozzie slowly makes his way over.

"Yeah," I agree and scratch the back of my neck. "Um, I have to get back to the shelter soon to drop Ozzie off then I'm done work so I'm free for lunch."

"Great, I don't have to be at the hospital until later tonight. I was hoping we'd head to my house to discuss a few things." He raises a brow so I nod.

"Okay," I shrug before getting Ozzie's attention then launching the ball across the field. "Go get it!"

Master Gideon stands up and we both watch as Ozzie races after the tennis ball. He may be an old dog, but he still acts like a pup when it comes to playing fetch. I stick my hands in my pockets and look over at Master Gideon. It's been a few days since we had dinner and I embarrassed myself on ice, that was the last time I'd seen him before now. He has the ability to fall off the face of the earth for a few days before popping back up. But I know his work keeps him busy.

"I'm sorry I've been MIA these past few days. Work has been crazy," he sighs as if he knew what I was thinking. "Working mornings at the clinic and nights at the hospital kept me busy and when I had a second to sit down it seems all I did was sleep."

"I understand Sir," I tell him and he smiles down at me. "I can cook you something if you'd like? You can rest as I make us lunch. You look like a walking zombie."

"Thanks," he smirks sarcastically but I just shrug.

"Just saying the truth," I say while looking at the slight bags under his eyes. "When's the last time you slept?"

"You sound like my mother," he scoffs then yawns as Ozzie drops the ball at my feet and I pick it up before sighing.

"Let's get going. You need to eat and rest," I mutter and hook the leash back onto Ozzie's collar before grabbing Master Gideon's hand and pulling him along.

"Yes Sir," he mock salutes making me mentally roll my eyes.

The walk to the shelter was a quiet one. I tried to pull my hand free of Master Gideon's once we hit the park path but he just tightened his grip. With Ozzie leading the way, it's a peaceful walk back. Once he is back in his kennel, I make sure he has plenty of water and clean sheets before doing the same to all the other occupants of the shelter. Knowing that they're all in good hands with Joey on the next shift, I say my 'see you later' to Ozzie and the rest of the gang before heading to the front room where Master Gideon is waiting for me.

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