Chapter 30 In the Darkness, There is Light

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(Chris pictured above)

Chapter 30  In The Darkness There is Light


"So, what are the plans for spring break?" I ask while sitting down next to Ashton. "It's coming up soon!"

"Don't," he warns while smacking my hand away from his fries.

"Fat ass," I grumble before turning to Tai and stealing one of his mozzarella sticks.

"I was thinking we could have a road trip," Payton suggests and I nod.

"Where to?" I question making him shrug.

"I don't know," he mumbles before looking at Tommy.

"We can go to Florida," Ashton says so we all look at him. "My aunt lives at Miami Lakes, she'll let us stay at her place for free. It's less than an hour drive to South Beach. Isn't that usually where college kids go for Spring Break?"

"It definitely is!" Lane butts in while sitting down next to Payton. "Just remembering my trip to South Beach as a college freshman last year makes me cringe and laugh."

"Why?" Payton asks curiously as Lane takes a handful of his fries.

"You're too young to know, you'll be scarred. But just picture me, two girls and three guys...wet sand in places sand should not go and cops. Sexy cops, but nevertheless cops." He chuckles making me shake my head.

"We should go to Disney World!" Tommy blurts out with a bright grin.

"Seriously?" I raise a brow.

"I've never been to Disney World," Ashton mumbles with a frown. "Is it fun?"

"Yes! It's awesome!" Tommy says before quickly rambling on and on about all the amazing things about The Magic Kingdom.

"Have you been to Disney World Sebastien?" Ashton asks making me frown.

"Oh shit! Sebby, I didn't see you there! Hiding are ya?" I laugh and the silent boy just blushes.

"No, I haven't," he whispers while shaking his head.

"Well, I guess we're in the same boat. We can stick together." Ashton gives me a small smile causing Sebby to blink. "You are joining us right?"

"Um, no." He shakes his head again which causes an up rise of complaints.

"Enough!" Lane's voice booms over all ours which makes not only the table, but the whole diner, to fall silent. "Leave the damn boy alone." I hide a smirk at how protective he is over that kid.

"Whose car are we taking?" Tai asks curiously to change the subject, which works perfectly.

"We can take my car, it'll fit the six of us," Tommy suggests and I shrug with a nod.

"I don't think we all fit on Ashton's bike." I snicker as he just looks at me with a blank expression, which makes me want to laugh even harder, but I hold back. I've known Ash way too long. He can give a blank expression, but I know how his mind works. He's laughing at my joke internally.

"No, I don't think we will," he whispers before standing up. "I have to get going."

"Aw, why?" Payton whines as Ashton tosses a twenty on the table.

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