Chapter 27 New Club Member

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(Sebastian pictured above)

Chapter 27 New Club Member


"Hi guys," I say as I walk up and find most of my friends sitting at our usual table. I look around and it's just Lane that's missing.

"Hey Tommy, where's Master Casey?" Tai asks as I sit down.

"He's in the showroom, I'm meeting him later, he promised Master Matthias that he'd sit down with Lane to talk to him about his experience in opening a gym, help Lane with some of his business plan, I wanted to come catch up with you guys for a while anyway."

"He's already thinking about that? Doesn't he have a couple of years to go?"

"I think 3 semesters, but Lane said it takes at least that long to find the right property, get an architect to design the renovations, get all the building permits and then have the renovations completed. I think it's really cool that he knows exactly what he wants and he's lucky enough to have Master Matthias by his side to help."

"That is pretty sweet," Tai agrees.

"How was your dinner with Casey?" Payton asks, then turns a deep red before adding, "I mean Master Casey."

"It's okay Pay, I'm sure he wouldn't care," I laugh. "It was good, we went to that Thai noodle bar over on North Wells, just had something light know...we'll be..."

"Playing? Scening?" Tai says quickly looking at Chris who has his mouth open and I'm grateful since what probably would have come out of his mouth would have probably been vulgar and embarrassing, though probably true.

"Yeah." I feel heat creep up my neck, still not sure why since we're in a bdsm club, why talking about doing a scene with my boyfriend slash master would be embarrassing. It makes no sense. At least he hasn't asked me to do one in front of anyone, I don't think I could do that. Not for a while yet until I build up my confidence.

"How's the big guy doing anyway?" asks Tai.

"He's still a little sore from the accident, but otherwise fine."

I look over at Ashton and smile as he nods his head in greeting before his eyes continue to scan the room, probably just people watching. Unless..."Ash? Is Master Gideon coming tonight?"

Before he can answer we're interrupted by a shout from Tai, "Holy fuctoids, Master Lancaster is back!" I follow Tai's gaze to see the sexy Dom walking in, smiling and waving to other members like a self-important politician.

"Master Caster," Chris says quietly with a chuckle. "I would have to agree his wand is pretty magical." We all let out a quiet laugh being careful not to draw any attention since he is a Dom.

"But can he fish?" Payton adds with a wide grin while we all look at him confused. " know, like casting a fishing line, come on guys, work with me," he pleads, "it's no better than the magical wand joke!"

"Who's that with him?" I ask, seeing a nervous looking guy shuffling behind him. He looks about our age, dark brown hair, about my height and weight, eyes downcast, so I assume he's a sub.

"I don't know, I've never seen him," Tai says.

"He's been in L.A. I heard, maybe he brought home a toy?" Chris says, looking back at us with a toothy grin. His signature charming look that makes everyone always seem to agree with him. "He's not very tan though, for a guy from California. Hey, they're coming this way. This should be interesting."

"Hey boys," the Dom says, his usual confidence and charm somewhat tempered.

"Hello Master Lancaster," we all say except Chris who says Caster before looking away with a smirk. I see Master Lancaster's eyes narrow slightly as he looks at him before turning back to me and Tai who are sitting closest to where he now stands.

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