Chapter 28 Tougher than the Rest

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(Ashton pictured above)

Chapter 28 Tougher than the Rest


"Where are you off to Ashton?" Chris asks as I stand from his couch.

"To piss, do I need your permission to take a leak?" I huff as I walk away from him.

"No need to be an asshole!" He calls out making me roll my eyes.

I leave the door of the bathroom open and walk over to the toilet before unzipping my jeans. A sigh escapes me as I release my bladder. My eyes drift around the bathroom slowly, Chris needs to clean up a bit. His apartment is messier than usual which is strange. Chris likes keeping things clean. After I finish using the toilet, I use my foot to flush because I don't trust the cleanliness at the moment. I wash my hands before heading back towards the living room. Glancing down at my watch, I smile before grabbing my helmet.

"I have to get going," I tell him as he taps away at his cell phone.

"Aw, that sucks. Where are you going?" He asks while looking at me with a frown.

"I told you, I work today. I'll see you tonight?" I raise a brow making him shrug.

"If you get there and you don't see me, I'm with Superman." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I mutter before leaving his apartment.

When I get to my motorcycle, I put my earphones in before blasting music. I put my phone back into my pocket and my helmet on before swinging my leg over it. I turn my baby on and it roars to life as I twist the throttle back slightly. Looking over my shoulder, I wait for a break in the traffic before pulling away from the curb. I swerve in between cars and zoom past a yellow light as I tap my foot to the beat of the rock music blasting in my ears. I look over after getting caught at a red light and see two girls staring at me from their car. They can't even see my face but they're all giggles and twirling their hair.

"Disgusting," I mutter to myself as the light turns green and I speed away.

After arriving at the shelter, I park my motorcycle and head inside with my helmet. Joey is behind the counter and waves when I pass. Nodding back, I go into the employee break room and put my helmet down before pulling out my earphones. I can hear the barking as I walk down the hall to the kennels and a smile tugs at my lips. When I open the door and step into the kennel area, the dogs go crazy. Whines and cries fill my ears along with excited barks. I press my finger into my ear as I walk over to Bosco's kennel. He's a jumper and turns into a rabbit dog as he jumps up and down to greet me.

"Hey boy," I laugh while sticking my fingers in through the caged door.

He whines, his tail wagging quickly as he licks my fingers. I greet all the dogs in the shelter before I get to work filling their food and water bowls, taking out the blankets and replacing them with clean ones, clean up any shit or piss. Once all that's done, I head towards the other room where all the cats are held. They're not as welcoming but I still love them all. Cleaning out litter boxes though, I can live without. Now that Gizmo isn't here, it's a quiet and uneventful time in the cat corner of the shelter. He's the one that always got into everything and wanted to play all the time. I'm glad he's in a home that has kids he can play with.

"Ashton!" I look up when I hear Joey scream.

Instead of answering him, I put the broom down and head towards the front with a frown. I don't know why he's screaming. He knows I don't like being bothered when I'm at work. He stays in the front, I stay in the back and we work in silence. A sigh escapes me as I walk through the kennel but I stop in front of Ozzie's kennel. He walks up slowly as I crouch down and I give his nose a small kiss through the caged door. His tail wags slowly as I kiss him again.

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