𝟢𝟣𝟪. 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅

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the weekend & lana del rey !

━━━⋱✶ never ends well ! ✶⋰━━━

THAT SAME NIGHT, miguel had pulled juliette in for a chat by the swing. "so, i just wanted to pull you for a chat because i know you're really beautiful, and i want to get to know you," miguel told her.

juliette smiled and nodded her head, "well, thank you. i think you're cool too." she said, making miguel smirk. "oh? you think im cool?" he asked.

she shrugged her shoulders, and the two sat there laughing, talking about their random hobbies and interests. rob watched them interact with a jealous expression on his face, but he knew that he shouldn't be. but, he was stilled worried because of what miguel said when he kissed juliette.

rob knew he shoulder overreact or overthink the situation because juliette was much better than he was. she just let him go on a date, and listened to andrea say she kissed him, and did it all without overreacting.

but he wasn't worried about juliette, he was worried about miguel. and he had to do something about it. so, he walked over to them. "hey, can i take her away from you real quick?" rob asked miguel, and the boy nodded.

juliette was confused, what was going on? but she followed him nonetheless. they got up to the sun beds that were most private to talk. "what are we doing?" she asked him.

rob sighed, "don't talk to him." he told her. juliette gave him a confused look, "what? im confused. what are you talking about, rob?" she asked him.

"i don't want you to talk to him. i don't trust him," he said. juliette scoffed, "are you joking?" she asked, and rob looked at her with a serious look. juliette put her hands up in frustration, "so, you're basically saying you don't trust me either?" she said. rob shook his head, looking confused, "where did you get the from?"

she stood up and laughed, "im so done with you, and all this bullshit. you go and say i have nothing to worry about with andrea, but then you go and kiss her! then you say that you wanna find something with her?" she scoffed, now everyone heard their conversation, and started listening in— being nosey.

"and then you cry and say that i don't trust you, and that i cut you off whenever you do speak— which is absolute nonsense, i've never once done that. but, now you're saying that you can't trust me all because i talk to one singular guy! you've got with every bombshell that walked in here! now i have to upset every time i see andrea because something happened between you guys, and now she hates me for it! i never fucking did anything to make her hate me! and i never did anything to make you not trust me! if in all honesty, i should be the one not being able to trust you." she shouted, getting all her feelings out.

rob shook his head, "that's not what im saying, juliette! im-" but then she cut him off, "im done hearing what you're saying. i've been hearing it every time you messed up, and now im done. talk to me when you wanna be grown," juliette told him before walking away with all her stuff in her hands.

as she walked down the stairs, andrea went up to go speak to her, but juliette also cut her off. "im done with your fucking bullshit too, andrea. go be with rob if you really want to, but it doesn't look like he wants to be with you. and also, don't ever bring me into your drama again just because a man doesn't want you. be fucking mature about it instead of blaming the girl, it never ends well." juliette told her, making everyone gasp at hearing her say that.

then she walked away from the group, over to the dock, where she was thinking about everything. tears formed in her eyes as she thought about everything, more about rob then anything. she couldn't forgive him that easy as she did all those other times, she couldn't.

juliette looked up when she heard footsteps, "please, just don't." she told leah when the girl came over to her. leah sighed, but nodded. understanding that the girl needed her alone time, especially after everything that happened.

"just know we're here for you, babe." leah told her before walking away, and she nodded.

once leah walked back over to the group, they all looked up at her with all different expressions. but, leah shook her head, making them all disappointed. "just leave her. she needs time to think about everything," leah told them all, and they all nodded.

when she walked away, all the girls followed after her. and the boys all stood in the kitchen, and watched as rob came downstairs.

kendall went to speak up, but rob shook his head. "don't. i already know i fucked up with her, i don't need you guys telling me." he told them, and the guys sighed. "we're here for you, buddy." connor said as he pat rob's shoulder before walking upstairs to get ready for bed.

while juliette was sitting on the dock, just thinking about everything, she ended up falling asleep. rob knew he had to go check on her, whether or not she wanted to speak to him.

he grabbed a blanket from their bed before walking back out to the dock. his face softened when he saw juliette fast asleep, rob put the blanket on her. he stared at her peaceful figure before pushing a hair behind her ear, "im so sorry, sweet girl. i love you more than words can express," rob told her before pressing a kiss against her temple.

rob then sat down on the floor beside the couch, and put his head back. "fuck. i really messed this up," he sighed, messing with his hair.

every single time rob and juliette got close again, it never ends well. for either of them.


THE NEXT MORNING, juliette had woken up earlier than the sun rised. her eyes still sore and puffy from the events before, and as she laid up, she realized there was a blanket on top of her.

how did this end up here? juliette thought to herself, but then she looked down at the floor to see rob sleeping very  uncomfortably.

she sighed, "why are you doing this me?" she whispered while looking down at rob. then juliette softly tapped his shoulder, making him stir awake.

"what time is it?" he asked, noticing that it was still pretty dark out. juliette shrugged her shoulders, "i have no clue. but, you looked really uncomfortable so i wanted to wake you up. go to sleep in the bed," she told him.

rob nodded, "i just wanted to protect you." juliette shook her head, "you can't do that to me, rob." she said, making rob look confused. "every time we get into in argument, you always wanna act like this sweet guy the next day even though you were yelling at me about something that's not even my fault." she told him.

he sighed, "and im sorry about jules." but then juliette shook her head, "it's juliette, rob. you can give me these sweet nick names after you really show that im important to you and that you're actually sorry," she told him before walking away from the dock.

rob put his head in his head, sighing. he really fucked it up this time with her.


tis the end of the chapter that juliette
FINALLY stood up for herself, and didn't
forgive rob STRAIGHT AWAY. 👏👏👏

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