𝟢𝟤𝟪. 𝖼𝖺𝗌𝖺 𝗏𝗌 𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺

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the weekend & lana del rey !

━━━⋱✶ casa vs villa ! ✶⋰━━━

ROB WAS ENJOYING casa, but he did infact miss juliette. even after last night, sharing kisses with a few girls, sharing a bed with destiny. the thought of juliette never left rob's head, no matter what.

"mate, what are you thinking about?" miguel asked, pulling rob from his thoughts. he sighed, "i miss juli." miguel shook his head, and put his hand on rob's shoulder, "i know, bro. but just imagine what the girls are over at the villa doing. i know it's not juli's thing to do, but who knows, you're not there to watch over here."

he scoffed, "yeah, you got one thing write. juli's not like that," he said and then walked away. what the fuck? rob thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

"hey, rob. do you wanna chat?" destiny asked, following behind him. he sighed, but nodded his head anyways, going wherever destiny took him.

they started talking about random things, but rob wasn't really interested in it. all his thoughts were on juliette. he just had to survive, it's only the second day.


LATER THAT DAY, rob was sitting with kendall as they watched aaron and daniela sit on the bean bags.

rob wasn't going to lie, daniela was pretty cute in his opinion, but aaron was his best friend. he wouldn't go after the same girl his best friend was going after.

kendall made remarks about aaron and daniela, even brining up kaylor. they watched in shock when they saw the two kissing, and they cheered him on silently.

"miguel said you went off on him earlier, what's up with that?" kendall asked him, making rob sigh and shake his head. "i barely went off on him. besides, he was talking shit on juliette, saying that she might be up to something over there since im not over there watching her or something," he told him.

kendall nodded his head, "juli wouldn't do that. i can just imagine her turning them all down." that made rob feel worse. the fact that juliette would turn down one of the boys over there, but rob didn't turn down any of the girls.

the two continued talking, till they decided to get into the pool. it was a much more relaxing pool area, then the one at the villa.

they all laughed as everyone did their jumps into the pool. it was nothing like how it was in the villa. it was a much more chill and enjoyable atmosphere, instead of drama and not an enjoyable atmosphere.

and soon, the sun started setting. and they all got ready for the evening activities. after changing into a different outfit, rob and the other boys went outside to greet the girls and get their drinks.

then kenny got a text. "islanders, tonight the villa and casa amor will go head to head in the game of raunchy races. #whosontop #movingquickly," he read. they all let out loud cheers.

they all shouted casa amor out to water, just so the villa could hear how excited they were about this. but they didn't know was, the villa was also cheering, hoping they would win.

sitting at the fire pit, they all had their phones out, ready for one of them to go off any moment. daia's phone was the first one to go off, "demonstrate your favorite sex move while kissing the shortest boy or girl of the opposite sex."

kordell and daia got on the couch, and everyone cheered them on as they did the challenge. then they all calmed down and sat back at the fire pit, waiting for the winner. casa or villa?

"casa got the point," daia told them, and they all jumped up and celebrated.

next was daniela, "kiss an islander born in a foreign county." she immediately grabbed aaron, and they started kissing. "take her to the fucking shower!" "to the shower!" they all yelled, and that's where aaron and daniela went, still kissing each other.

but sadly it wasn't enough, and the villa got the point. rob was hoping it wasn't juliette that they kissed, as she was born in a foreign country.

"bench press a blonde in the gym area," kendall read. he grabbed sydney, and went to the gym area. the boys all helped kendall, and luckily for them...

casa got the point!

"kiss the islander with the best tattoos," sydney read. kordell got up, and then grabbed sydney and started kissing her while everyone cheered them on.

and then it went straight to the bed. and then casa got the point, and cheered as they were back at the fire pit.

"kiss the islander you want to share a bed with that you didn't share with last night," sydney read and turned to kendall, and started kissing him.

kendall pick her up, and took her over to the sign. but it wasn't good enough, as villa got the point.

"kiss the islander you are most attracted to," aaron read. he decided to switch it up, and went to sierra. everyone started cheering them on, as it got steamy very fast.

but... the villa got the point.

"everyone pick a fellow islander and make out like it's the last night on earth," kordell read. rob grabbed catherine, and started kissing her, laying her down on the couch as everyone else around was kissing a different islander.

and luckily for them, casa won the game! they all got up, cheering and jumping around. they all screamed casa at the edge of the island, hoping that the villa could hear them.

then after everyone started calming down, destiny had pulled rob to chat. they sat down on a couch, and just started talking about their random interestes.

they had a couple of things in common, so it made the conversation flow really smoothly. it didn't feel like any of the other chats he had while at casa, but at the same time, it didn't feel like any of the conversations he had with juliette.

then it got quiet between them, as they stared at each other. and before they knew it, their lips connected. it was a good, and long kiss. like they were waiting the whole day for it.

rob pulled away, as destiny smiled at him. "would you want so share a bed again?" she asked him. he nodded, and sent her a small smile.

then he knew, he was fucked.


soooo.... 🫣🫣🫣🫣


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