Thor Flirting with Tony's New Assistant

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Requests of 0MrBlue0. I hope you like it!

To reduce the crime rates and potential threats of the Avengers, SHIELD introduced a new program. This project is called Project Reclamation. In this program, past villains who appear to be worthy to redeem themselves are working for SHIELD, learning them to do good instead of evil.

One of these reforming villains is a guy named Y/N, who had no choice but work with HYDRA as a scientist. The Avengers, specifically Tony Stark, notice his potential and took him under his wing. Ever since, the young man helps Tony with his projects, often working with him and Bruce. With the three of them, they make a powerful and smart trio.

They work in the lab, all brainstorming about potential tech about space exploration. As they each spat out one idea after another, they decide to take a break.

"Let's think about this and come back." Tony stands in front of the bord, where all the ideas are written down. He looks at Y/N. "Coffee?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Tony chuckles. He walks pass both guys and leaves the room, where he spots Thor, who was just about to enter. "Excuse me, but this is the room for smart people. Down the hall is your room."

"Don't you dare make fun of my intellect." Thor insists, though Tony merely smiles as he continues to walk to the coffee machine.

The blonde god enters the room, his eyes focused on Bruce, who is behind the pc. "I need someone strong to spar with."

"I told you. I can't transform to the Hulk every time you ich for a fight."

"There is an exemption this time. I learned this new technique and I need someone durable to test them out on."

"Do I need to repeat what I just said?" Bruce looks back at Thor instead of his pc. "And next time, ask it when we're alone. You need to put on a good example."

"For whom?" Thor turns around, then noticing Y/N who's reading some files. He didn't know he was there, which surprises him. Something about his aura attracts Thor. Feeling like the stranger is important to talk to, Thor approaches him. "It seems like we haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Thor Odinson, God of thunder and future king of Asgard."

"Y/N L/N." The man responds back. In the background, Bruce turns back to his work, though he can hear them.

"You work here?"

"Not really. I'm here because of Project Reclamation."

Thor recognizes the name, but not remember what exactly it is. "Can you remind me what this project is about?"

"Basically, reforming people who worked for your enemies. I was a scientist of HYDRA, though without a choice. And now I'm helping Tones and Bruce."

"Ah. Good for you." Thor smiles at the young man. "Make sure to stay on the current road."

"I'm planning."

"Good." He looks back at the clock. "I'm slacking on my training. I need to go. However, we can talk another time. Allow me to buy you some of Midgard's best drinks sometime."

Bruce raises an eyebrow in the background, thinking Thor is asking his assistant out on a date.


"Great." Thor is happy to hear it. "Until we meet each other again." He turns around and walks to the exit. Once leaving the room, he spots Tony who is carrying two cups of coffee.

Now entering the room, the brunette walks over to Y/N. "That's probably the longest time he was somewhere he can learn." He hands over a coffee to his assistant. "Here ya go."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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