Requested by @Artistgames. I hope you like it!
Peter had long lost one of his fathers ago, to the point never remembering him. Despite raising him alone, Y/N did well. He's proud of his son he manages to do so well in school. He's even more proud when Peter confessed of being Spider-man and works with the Avengers. Peter is quite happy with how accepted he was as Spider-man, despite the countless signs of worry his father gave.
During his time at the Avengers, there is one person he considers a true friend, Tony Stark. He idealizes the man and hopes he can learn from him. That's why when Y/N wanted to meet Tony Stark to check if everything is alright, Peter became nervous. The teenager has great respect for his father and his hero and wants to avoid a fissure between them. If they both don't like each other, Peter would be upset. So, once he and his father arrive at Tony's house, he hopes the night goes well.
"It's nice to finally meet Peter's father. I'm sure I don't need to introduce myself to you."
"No need. I'm not sure Peter did for me, but I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you Mr. Stark."
"No need for formalities. Just Tony is fine."
Before they sit down at the dining table, they get into the kitchen. Tony is cooking for the night, but the family are quick to offer their help. As they cook together, the grown men chat together.
"You're probably wondering if your son is safe with us."
"I sure am."
Tony chuckles, as he's standing at the pan, cooking, while Y/N is next to him, making the salad. "Don't worry, he's safe. He's mostly apprehended punks and crooks. Help an old lady to get across the street. You know? Doing the basics. This is his training phase. We barely have him go on dangerous Avenger-level-threat missions, but I'm at his side at all costs."
"That's good to know." Y/N smiles.
Peter is happy the night is going well. The two continue getting along the rest of the night, from making dinner and eating it. Both being extremely proud of Peter and what he accomplishes. But that isn't the only thing they talk. They talk about their lives, their jobs and hobbies.
At the end of the night, Tony leads Peter and Y/N out of the house with a smile on his face. "It was a good night, Y/N. You're a good dad for little Peter." He shuffles his hand through Peter's slick hair, causing him to look embarrassed.
Y/N laughs. "Next time, let me do the cooking though. I have this recipe that will blow your mind."
"Oh, a next time?" Tony looks intrigued. "Doesn't sound bad."
"It sure isn't. As much as I love talking, it's time to go home. Have a good night, Tony."
"Have a good night, Mr. Stark."
"Have a good night, Y/N. See you tomorrow Peter."
And so, they departed ways. Once Y/N and Peter are in the car, they see Tony waving to them. Peter and Y/N gives a small wave back before starting the car and going home.
"That went well."
"Yeah. I was a bit scared you two didn't get along." Peter admits, though now feel relieved.
"Why wouldn't we get along? Tony is a sweet guy." Y/N smirks. "Any chance he's single?"
"I'm just kidding." Y/N always find it entertaining to have his son overreact. "A man can dream though."

Marvel Oneshots X Male reader
FanfictionHopefully people requests something to me to write about, if not than you only have the request page I guess. Edit: unless I made my own oneshots, which I do now