Clint getting a divorce Part 2

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When Clint waked up in Y/N apartment, he went home and decided to not give up on his marriage, though he and his wife need help to fix the marriage. Clint proposed to go to relationship counseling, which Laura agreed on. Now a week later, they both discussed the marriage with the counsel. They both agreed that the marriage seem to be bleak. Laura said it's because Clint is way to invested in his job and not for his family. Clint agreed with her, but his job is important for the rest of the world as an Avenger and a SHIELD agent. They both also agreed they are losing their love for each other. It was a difficult session. The therapist said they should spent time together and both will try, but Clint's job is one he can't dismiss. However, there is one thing that is even unusual than the counseling. Ever since Y/N mentioned there was no chance he and Clint can't be a couple; Clint keeps thinking about 'what if there was a chance?' Clint can't figure out what the thought. Does this mean he's interested in Y/N? Or is this all playing in his head?

Clint arrives at his work. He walks in where Natasha usual works. "Morning Nat."

"Good morning." Natasha greets him back. She's sitting behind her desk. "You doing better?" Clint informed her about his marriage weeks ago, so Natasha tries to help Clint whatever way she can.

"A little." Clint answers. He walks up to Nat's desk. Clint is rather nervous for asking his next question. "Can I get some advice?"

"Yes." She looks back at Clint. "What's up?"

"Is it normal to think your best friend as something more...?" Clint asks nervously.

Nat raises an eyebrow. "You have a crush on me?"

Clint eyes went wide open. "No! No, not at all!"

Nat let out a laugh. "I'm just teasing."

"Very funny Nat. I'm talking about a deep problem and you're joking." Clint responds playfully.

"Sorry." Natasha grins. "Who's the luckily person?"

"About that... have you ever experience maybe you're not as straight as you are?" Clint asks awkwardly.

"No, never." Natasha responds. "You're questioning you like men?"

"I'm questioning if I like Y/N." Clint responds. He stiffens up a little while talking. "You're the only person I can talk to you about. I can't tell Y/N because... he liked me. The only reason he stops liking me is because I'm straight, but now I'm not sure I'm straight. I sure can't tell Laura about it. I'm even not sure how to figure out if I may like guys. My marriage is on the line, so I'm not going to experiment with other guys." Clint let out a tired sigh. "If you have any advice, please give it to me."

Natasha thinks a few seconds what advice to give Clint to. He sure is in a tricky situation. She stands up and begin walking out of the room. "Wait here a sec, I will be back." Clint looks at where she's going. Within a minute, Natasha returns back with magazines. "I'm back. I borrowed these from the secretary. It's kind of sad Elise is keeping these in her drawers." She walks back behind her desk. Afterwards, drops the magazines on her desks.

Clint sees that there are half naked guys on the covers, all with different guys with different clothes, however all with ripped bodies. "Oh god." Clint mutters.

"Well, have fun." Natasha responds.

Clint looks confuse back at Natasha. "Huh?"

"You didn't want to cheat on Laura, however, want to get experiences with men. Here is your answer." Natasha points her hand at the magazines. "Pretty sure there are also naked guys in there. I saw Elise looking at them." Natasha says slightly judgmental.

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