Tony giving his son advice about his crush, Peter

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Peter has been coming for a while now for his internship. Ever since he got the internship, he and Y/N became quickly friends. They're around the same age range, being teenagers. They share the same interests and their personalities bounce of well with each other. They know each other for a while, so much so that Y/N develops feeling for the boy. He thinks Peter is a great, honest and genuinely guy, and cute as well. But Y/N doesn't know how to deal with it. On one hand, he wants to confess his love for him and become his boyfriend, on the other hand, he's scared that he lose him as a friend. For making his choice easier, he decides that he will talk about this with his dad, Tony Stark.

Y/N walks in his dads lab. Tony is currently working on his suits. He looks up and smile at his son. "Hey kiddo, you doing good?" He asks and turn back at his work.

"I'm fine." Y/N says. He stands in front of Tony. "Can I ask you for advice?"

"Which kind of advice?" Tony says working.

"...The dating advice."

Tony stops working and looks up. "Guess the day has come." He set his equipment back on the workbench and look back at his son. "What's up?"

"I have feelings for a guy." He confess.

Tony hums. "A guy, huh? What kinda guy?"

"We've been friends for a while. We share a lot of interests, he's a good guy and... he's cute." Y/N says the last part quietly.

Tony smirks. "Ah, young love. Never had it." He says awkwardly. "But I'm willing to help. What can I do?"

Y/N sighs. "I want to confess my feelings for him, but I'm scared he rejects me and our friendship will be ruined."

Tony hums and thinks for a moment. "I have a idea. You have to let HIM fall in love with you."

Y/N looks confuse, yet hopeful at him. "How?"

"Impress him. You show him that you're the best man in his life." Y/N's dad explains. "Firstly, you need to dress up the best. Secondly, take him somewhere nice, like a fancy restaurant. Lastly, you need to plant a seed that you like him, but don't convince him. He will remember it and it will stay on his mind. For the rest of the night, just be yourself and sometimes flirt, but keep it subtle. At the end of the night, he will confess his love to you, but if he isn't, you will confess to him." Tony smiles proudly.

"That... makes actually sense. Let's do it." Y/N smiles.

"Alright, let me browse a fancy restaurant. You just plan a date with that guy." Tony says and turns back to his work. He's about to start, but looks back up to Y/N. "Wait, the guy is into guys, right?"

Y/N thinks for a few seconds. "umm, I have a gut feeling he's bi. Just a feeling, but I never found him checking out other guys or something."

Tony nods and hums. "Alright, let's hope you're gaydar is right."


The day has come. Tony manage to find a fancy restaurant for Y/N. Y/N asked Peter to have just a 'friendly' dinner, and Peter joins him. Tony also manages to let Happy drive them towards the restaurant with a limo. Tony said to Y/N to invite his crush towards the tower and let Happy drive them from there.

Y/N is currently wearing a red blouse with fancy black pants. Tony helped him to find the right outfit. Both men are standing at the entrance of the tower, standing next to each other, waiting for Y/N's date.

"I can't wait to see for the dream guy. He IS good looking, right?" Tony looks next to him.

Y/N just realize something. He never told his dad that his date is his intern. "About that..."

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