Logan getting helped by his wingwomen Rogue and Storm

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Requested by @NobodyOfValue. I hope you like it!

Back outside, Logan and his teammate, Y/N, are sparing. Since Y/N is new to the team, he asked people for tips to do his job as an X-Men member. He asked Logan for a sparring match. And there they are. With Wolverine giving punches to the new recruit, though he holds a bit back. As Y/N tries to block each punch, he accidentally misses one which causes a punch in his face and fall on the ground.

Logan looks a bit surprised with the slip up. He didn't intend to hit his training partner that hard to the point Y/N is holding his nose and scowling in pain.

"You alright?"

"My nose feels like shit..."

Usually, Logan would just mock his opponent, calling them weak and criticise them. Instead, he shows a bit of sympathy. He gives a hand, which Y/N accepts and stands up thanks to his help.

"Don't move."

Logan then checks on Y/N's nose. It looks red but doesn't appear anything bad happened. Not even a bloody nose. As he touches the nose, Y/N let out some quiet hisses.

"Sorry." Logan apologizes. "Scale 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?"

"7... I guess."

"Then it's probably fine. You would've scream if it was worse." Logan gives him an assuring smile. "You're lucky that this is just training. Out there is different."

"I know. Why do you think I've been asking around to be trained? I don't want to die."

Logan is glad there is drive in Y/N. Despite a rookie, he admires that Y/N is willing to become better. "Nice to hear. For what's worth, I can see you become better. So... keep it up." He finds it a bit unusual how nice he treats Y/N and isn't sure why. Still, it's not like it bothers him.


"Don't ya think Logan has been less of an asshole?"

Sitting outside, Rogue and Storm are chatting on a bench, observing the students during a sunny day. They watch Logan's gym class, which looks brutal at first glance, with the teacher usually calling out the students and mocking them. Calling them things like slow, slackies or couch potatoes. However today he seems different. He still mocks the students, but it decreased by a lot.

"Change of heart?" Storm suggests to her friend.

"Logan? Doubt that." Rogue responds back. Both continue watching Logan giving workout instructions to the group of students. "What could've happened to make Mr. Grumpy Pants chill out?"

"You act like Logan is a man that is constantly in a bad mood, but he's a human too." Storm defends her teammate, despite acknowledging that Logan has his behaviour problems.

Back at Logan, he turns his head around once Y/N walks over to him. As they begin to chat, Logan sometimes looks back at his lesson with a small smile.

"He's smiling?" Rogue now really wonders what's going on with Logan. "Is this the first time I see him with a genuine smile?"

As they continue to observe the two, Logan crosses his arms. They observe some strange behaviour from him. Looking amused. Scratching the back of his head. Even laughing. All seem genuine, with not ill intend behind it.

"Seriously? What's up with him?"

Storm smiles once she realizes what's up with Logan. "I know what's going on with him." Rogue looks back next to her, intrigued. "He's in love."

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