Logan and Scott fighting over Y/N's love Part 2

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Logan is at the entrance of the school. He sees Y/N coming back with a gloomy face. He walks in the building, and Logan begin to check up with his crush.

"You alright pal?" Logan asks.

"Gambit never showed up to our date." Y/N answers downhearted.

"Oh, sad to hear." Logan responds.

"I was really looking forward to it. Was he just messing with me?" Y/N asks to his friend.

"I dunno, but he always felt to me like a lover boy. It's probably better if you don't associate people like that." Logan explains. Y/N hums quietly. Logan put his hand on Y/N's shoulder and smiles. "How about we do somethin' fun? We can go to the movies."

Y/N smiles, though still feeling down. "Alright."

Logan smiles. "I'm going to grab my bike. Meet you in front, kay?"

"Sure thing." Logan turns around and towards the garage. When he walks in, he sees Scott leaning against his car. His right arm, neck and left leg is in the cast. His left hand holds a cane.

"Oh god, I don't want to deal with you." Logan groans. He walks pass Scott and his car towards his motorcycle.

"Why? Are you also informing the professor about a mission to send me to?" Scott calls Logan out. Logan turns around to look back at Scott. "Yeah, I know that Gambit is on a mission in the Sahara of all places for a mission. I also know you told the professor to order Gambit to go there immediately. Is there even something, or did you made something up?"

Logan scoffs. "Why do you care? It's one less competition." He turns back to his bike and sit on it.

Scott stops leaning against his car and waddle towards Logan. "You sound like a maniac. Are you going to kill me if I continue to pester you?"

Logan turns back at Scott. "I'm not some kind of yandeer, or yandar, or what the hell Y/N was talking about one time."

"Nice to know your threats are without weight." Scott comments.

Logan starts his motorcycle. "Doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."

With that, he drives out of the garage and towards the front to pick up Y/N. Scott sighs. "That annoying little rat."


Back at the hot desert, known as the Sahara, Gambit is suffering all alone in the heat. Because of this, he removed his jacket and shirt and wrap it against his head. He grabs his water bottle and takes a sip. "Charles, how long does it take when I'm at my destination?"

"According to the coordinates Logan gave me, you should arrive soon." Charles responds back through the radio.

"Couldn't he be here? I had a date, and I didn't even had a chance to tell Y/N about the mission." Remy let out a sigh, tired of walking.

"Logan is still on probation because of his childish behavior, alongside Scott. Not only that, but he also mentioned it's an infiltration mission, which you specialized in." Charles explains.

Gambit sighs again. "And what was the emergency again?"

"A terrorist group camp is up there with dangerous weapons, such as nuclear missiles." Charles reminds Remy.

"How good is Wolverine's intel?" Gambit asks. "How does he even know about this?" He doubts the entire situation. If only he knows about Logan's crush.

"I don't know, but I trust him." Charles says.

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