Scott Lang getting visited while being in house arrest

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Y/N is finally visiting his boyfriend, Scott. After his fight against Iron Man and the rest of his team, he was originally going to prison, but luckily, they decided to put Scott on house arrest. The only problem is that Scott gets bored quickly at his home. Y/N and Cassie feel sorry for him, and Cassie visits him often, but thanks to Y/N's job, he's quite busy, but today he can visit him.

Y/N stands in front of Scott's door and get in. He removes his coat and look around his boyfriend's house. "Scott, I'm here!"

"I'm in the bathroom!" Scott yells.

Y/N goes upstairs and walk towards the bathroom. "So..."

"I'm bathing. You can go in."

"Thank god." Y/N walks in and see Scott bathing and playing with some soap. His left leg is sticking out of the bathtub. On his leg, he wears an ankle band with a plastic bag. "I thought you were shitting. Glad I'm wrong."

"Well, congrats, you can see me naked!" Scott smiles. "Sadly, you can't see my body though the soap." He stops smiling and look at the soap.

"Alright, alright, stop with your dirty comments. Enjoy your bath time and afterwards, I ensure you get the best day." Y/N crouch down next to Scott and smiles.

"That sounds nice."


After Scott is done with his bath, he and Y/N are standing in front of the tv, ready to play guitar hero and sing along.

"You ever been in a band?" Scott asks his boyfriend, feeling excited for the game.

"No, but I'm good in video games." Y/N replies.

"Good enough." Scott replies. He looks back at the tv and search for a song they're going to sing. He eventually finds a song, All Starts by Smash Mouth. He looks at Y/N with pleading eyes. "Please?"

He chuckles. "Alright."

And Scott starts the song. Both men immediately tighten their guitars. Scott smiles. "Want to sing along?"

"Why not?"


After the guitar hero match, both men decided to play truth or dare. They sit on the couch and ready to play.

"Truth or dare?" Y/N asks.

"Dare." Scott says in confidence.

Y/N gives him a smug smirk. "Let me give you a wedgie."

Scott sighs. "Really?" He says dissonantly. "I expected better from you."

Y/N chuckles. "Well, what can you say? I like to disappoint people. Now stand up."

Both men stand up and Scott turns his back towards Y/N. "Please don't hurt me too much."

Y/N grabs Scott's underwear with his hands. "Nope!" He then gives Scott a wedgie.

Scott yelps and his eyes wend wide. "...that hurts." He grunts out.

"Sorry." Y/N stops the wedgie.

Scott groans and move his legs. "Alright. Now to make my revenge. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Y/N says while Scott and him sits on the couch.

"Okay, maybe I should have kept that to myself." Scott mutters to himself. "Okay, let me think." He moves his hand towards his head, thinking for a question. "Oh! Top or bottom?" He asks excitedly.

Y/N looks deadpanned at him. "...You know the answer to that."

"I hope so. But maybe you kept it a secret to me." Scott responds.

Y/N looks confuse at him. "...what?"


Both men stand in the kitchen. Y/N is holding a phone, reading a recipe out loud, while Scott is following his instructions and baking a cake.

"Okay, now stir the ingredients." Y/N reads out loud.

Scott did so. "Alright, what now?"

"Combine the butter and the sugar." And so, Scott did. After some seconds, Y/N continues. "Now add the eggs, one at the time."

Scott hums. After following some steps, they're almost done with the cake. All they need to do is set it in the oven and they did. Y/N set the time for them to wait. Afterwards, they look at the cake.

"How long are we waiting?" Scott asks.

"About 30 min, or something." Y/N answers.

Scott hums and they look at the cake. They stay silent for some seconds till Scott says eight words. "I thought making a cake would take longer."


It is the end of the day, Y/N is at the front door while Scott is in front of him, inside.

"Thank you for coming." Scott says with a smile. "It was a great day. I hope you come over more, especially when Cassie is here."

"I'm glad you had a fun time, but I have one surprise." Y/N smirks. Scott looks at him confuse as Y/N walks towards his car, that is in front of Scotts house, and takes a backpack. He then walks back. "Ready for a sleep over?"

Scott chuckles. "Always."

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