Who's dating Tony's son? Part 3

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Tony is happy for Steve and Clint relationship, even if he doesn't know the truth about it. He told Pepper about it, and she had a great idea. She thought it would be fun to go out on a double date. Although Tony didn't like Steve, he wanted to pleasure his girlfriend.

"Hey Capsicle, do you want to go on a double date with me and Pepper?"

Steve flinches because he forgot about the lie about a few days ago, but soon remembers it. "Yeah, sure... just let me ask Clint."

When Steve asks Clint. He wasn't happy he needs to lie even more, but he knows Steve needed his help, so he agreed. Skipping towards today, they all got in their fanciest clothes and went to a 5-star restaurant. Clint and Steve sit next to each other while Tony and Pepper are sitting opposite of them.

"This feels nice." Pepper smiles. "I'm happy we got more couples in the tower. Though, I wish you told me about it."

Clint smirks. "Well, we are a pretty new couple, so we want to take it slow." He smiles like a lovely boyfriend to Steve. Steve only looks nervous and tries to show a reassuring smile.

Tony chuckles. "Haha, take it slow."

Pepper looks disappointedly. "Can you act like an adult for once?" Tony just smirks, making Pepper sigh. She looks back at the two men. "How did you became a couple actually?"

Clint looks at Steve. "Do you want to tell them sweetie?"

Steve gulps. "Yeah, sure." He looks back at Tony and Pepper. He decided to tell the story how he and Y/N became a couple, but swap Y/N out with Clint. "Well, it was a few months ago. I came back to my room and found a note. It stated that I need to go to the party room. When I arrive, I saw Clint messing with a record player, setting on a song from my time. Clint was surprised I came in and we begin talking. It eventually landed on the music that was playing. I told him how I used to dance on this song. Clint wanted me to show him, and then we dance the entire night." Steve slightly smiles of how perfect that night was with Y/N.

Clint looks at Steve with a smile. "That's sweet." He quickly looks back. "Isn't?" He corrects his mistake subtlety.

"I agree." Pepper smiles. "You're quite the romantic Clint."

"But I'm better." Tony says to her. She merely rolls her eyes.

After the story, the decided to order food. When waiting for dinner, they told stories to each other from their free time. When the food arrives, they begin eating. It all went well till Tony has a great question.

"I have a question for you two." Tony looks up to Steve and Clint. "Y'know about the whole Y/N love life drama?" Steve stiffens up. "Well, I still don't know who the hell banged my son, and it really annoys me."

Pepper looks at her boyfriend. "Tony, do you need bringing this up? Maybe if you're more relax about it, he would tell you."

"No, he wouldn't." Tony continues looking at Steve and Clint. "Now, since you two have a gaydar or something, can you tell me who's Y/N boytoy?"

Steve and Clint glance at each other. Steve doesn't even know what to answer and Clint notices this. He looks back at Tony. "Thor. He's clearly bi."

Tony looks surprise at Clint. "Y'know, he does strike me as a bi guy."

Pepper chimes in. "Honey, didn't you think that as well for almost every man in the team."

"No, I don't." Tony answers. "But Thor, I need to talk to him about it." He says angry.

Steve feels sorry for Thor, but not enough to confess. He continues just eating and the rest of the night went pretty well.


It's a day later. Y/N got a message via FRIDAY from his dad. The message says he need to go to the living room. He goes there and arrive. He sees everybody from the team except Steve and Clint in the room. Tony notices his son walking in and go towards him.

"Glad you can make it."

Y/N looks confuse. "What's going on?"

"Well, the rest of the team found out about Steve and Clint relationship." Y/N forgot about the fact Clint cover for him. He merely responds with a 'oh'. Tony nods. "I know. Apparently, when Pepper and I go with a double date with them, there are some paparazzi we didn't see and took photos of them. Now, everyone knows and some of the team decided to hold an intervention about it."

Y/N looks surprise. "What?! Dad, we can't do that! Steve isn't even out yet!"

"I know." Tony responds. "But it's kinda too late since everybody knows about it." He grabs his son by the shoulders and sit him down on the couch, he sits next to his son. "Now, since he isn't out yet, we wanted to show our support to him, by making an example."

"Dad, this is a really bad-"

Before Y/N could continue speaking, Steve and Clint walk in, and everybody looks at him. Steve and Clint merely look confuse at them. "What's going on?" Steve asks.

Everybody looks at each other. "We should all sit down." Tony says to everyone. Everyone sits around the living room. Thor decided to sit next to Y/N, which makes Tony glares at him and put his arm around his son protectively, making Y/N confuse. Tony then looks at Steve and Clint. "Clint, lab rat, the press found out."

Steve and Clint look surprise and look at each other and back at Tony and the rest. Clint looks mad. "What!? Hold on, I'm not doing this anymore! I'm not gay! This is-"

"It's okay Clint." Sam responds. "Y'know being gay is okay."

"But I'm not-!"

Tony looks sorry at Clint. "Yes Clint, you're gay. It's okay. We accepted Y/N about it, and now you can go out of the closet too."

Clint went speechless. Thor looks confuse at Tony. "What closet? They're not in an closet."

"It's a metaphor Thor." Bruce corrects Thor.

Thor looks at Bruce. "What has closet to do with liking men? And why does everyone make such a deal about it? In Asgard, we don't care about who we sleep with."

Tony looks disgusted at Thor and grabs Y/N tighter. "You're a degenerate Thor."

"Dad, you're hurting my shoulder."

Bucky ignores the scene Thor and Tony is making and look at his best friend. "Steve, I know this is all new and all, but it's okay. You're still my best friend, whether you're straight or gay."

Steve smiles at his best friend. "Thank you."

Clint looks at the rest of the team, looking tired. "My entire dating life is ruined." He stands up and begin walking away. "'I'm not gay.' 'No!', they said. I fucking hates this." He mutters to himself.

Pietro looks towards him. "Are you bi then!?"


Clint goes out of the room. Everybody looks at Steve, wanting to know what the deal is with his 'boyfriend'. Steve looks at them. "He's having it rough."

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