Pietro getting comfort from another enhanced

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Y/N have been captured for a while. He doesn't even remember for how long. That is how long he's captured. HYDRA immediately do multiple tests on him. One of them is testing him with the mind stone. Most of the test subjects died, but he's one of the only ones who survived and get supernatural powers. Y/N got the powers to manipulate the human mind, which mostly include illusions. HYDRA knew immediately that he's going to be a powerful and dangerous unit, but right now, he's still new to his power, and HYDRA will develop his skills.

Y/N is sitting in his secured cell, sitting on the ground, humming his favorites songs, trying to calm him down. One of the wards come to his cell, standing in front of it. Y/N heard his footsteps and look towards him.

"Greetings L/N. It's time for your training, and I got a special accession for this training." The ward says. Y/N looks at him. He's wearing his typical HYDRA prison ward clothes and a black eye patch on his right eye.

Y/N hums and stands up. The guards open the heavily secured cell and let the boy out. The ward walks towards his objective, and Y/N follows him. He follows his superior for a while till he arrives at another heavily secure cell.

"Open the cell." The ward order to the guards. He looks back at Y/N. "You, use your powers to calm this subject. You know when you're done."

Y/N hums again. The guards open the cell and Y/n walks in. He sees a silver hair guy who's use his superspeed to run, only to stop at a place. The guard quickly closes the cell. The silver haired guy looks at Y/N, only to run towards another place. Y/N feels nervous about the situation and disturb of what he sees. He slowly walks towards with his hand slowly raising the silver hair guy, who's looking at him anxiously. Y/N stands at his fellow prisoner and sets his hand on the speedster head.

The E/C guy closes his eyes and imaging what the subject is going to see. He is imaging a beautiful and magical plain, with shiny, golden butterflies flying around. There is also a waterfall in further in the plain with mountains. There is also a tree near them with blue, purple leaves.

Y/N opens his eyes and see the silver hair man calm down. Y/N return his hands towards himself and see that the speedster is still in his illusion. He's looking around in awe, he expends his hand, Y/N guesses he wanted to touch the butterflies.

"Well done Mr. L/N." The ward congratulated through the announcement. "Go out of the cell and we return to more training."


A few days later, Y/N is sitting near a battle cage alongside with other prisoners. HYDRA often put prisoners in the cage and let them fight each other. They often did this with enhanced prisoners. Y/N thinks this is just cruel but didn't raise his voice.

There are guards all around. If the prisoners do something they don't like, the guards will stop them and take them back in isolation.

Y/N avoids his gaze from the cage and somewhere else. The H/C boy sees the silver haired guy with a red head girl. The silver haired guy spotted him back and walk towards Y/N, the red head soon follows him.

"You're that guy from a few days ago. What did you do to me?"

Y/N looks towards him. "I calmed you down by giving you an illusion. Sorry I did that without your permission, it was an order from a ward."

"It's alright but warn me next time." He speaks.

"Did you get your powers as well from the mind stone?" The red head asks.

"Yeah. You too?" Y/N asks.

"Superspeed. Also, I'm Pietro." The silver haired says.

"Telekinesis. I'm Wanda, Pietro's twin sister." The red head says.

They sit next to Y/N, looking at the battle cage. "So... did they kidnapped you too?"

Wanda looks over to her new friend. "We volunteered."

Y/N looks surprise and confuse. "What? Why?"

Pietro looks over to Y/N as well. "We want to change the world, one that allows children to have a happy life, one that has no war that revolves killing innocents people."

"By joining an international terrorist group?" Y/N says doubtful.

"We are desperate." Wanda answers.

Y/N looks confuse at them, not understanding how someone can be desperate to join HYDRA. "Alright..." He says unsure at them.


For the last few days, Y/N has been training his illusion skill, which becomes better and better by either casting them on other prisoners or during his fights in the battle cage. Most of the time, that is the only time he can get out of his jail cell. Thankfully, the wards allow him to have some breaks when he isn't fighting in the battle cage.

He's currently sitting near the cage. Pietro sees him and walks over to him. He sits down next to him. Y/N looks at him and he seemed tense. "Hey Y/N. Doing alright?"

"Yes, just taking a break." Y/N answers.

Pietro hums. "Good."

Y/N looks at him for some seconds. "Are you okay?"

"Just- just feeling stressed." Pietro answers and look around anxiously.

"Where is your sister?"

"In her cell."

"Are you worried for her?"

Pietro shakes his head. "I haven't seen her for a while. My powers are acting up. This place is getting to me. I haven't been outside for god how long!" He says fast.

Y/N feels sorry for him. "I can give you an illusion. It will only help a little, but at least you feel a little at ease."

Pietro looks at him and shakes his head. Y/N reach towards his arm and closes his eyes and gives him an illusion. Pietro sees a horizon. The sky is full of stars along the cosmos. Pietro looks and around and notices he's alone.

"Y/N, where are you?"

Y/N looks confuse at him. "You want me there?"


Y/N hums and allow himself to be seen in Pietro's illusion and look at the cosmos. "You like what I have done?"

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Pietro smiles. He notices that Y/N hands is still on his arm. He removes his hand and attach it with his own. Y/N looks at him and see Pietro smile. Y/N gives one as well and both men look at the horizon.

"I can look at this all day. Thank you, Y/N."

"Anything for you."

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