Kurt and his secret crush

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Charles recently got a new student, Y/N, who's power is telekinesis. After Y/N got invited to join his school, soon get greeted with his new classmate, one of them is Kurt, who quickly became friends with the telepath. It's a month later, and Y/N and Kurt is going to class.

"I don't want to deal with another 'fun with Logan in the danger room'." Y/N groans. "Why does have to be in the morning?"

"I'm sorry you don't like it my friend." Kurt says to his friend with his usual German accent. "I can stand near you. If anything goes to you, I can teleport you away."

Y/N smiles at his friend. "Thank you."


After fighting some digital murder weapons, the lesson is over, and Y/N is dead tired. He's currently going to his room. Meanwhile Kurt is following his plan. After class, he teleports away into Y/N's room. Kurt grabs a note from his X-Men suit pocket and put it on Y/N's bed.

"Y/N, I wish I could tell you this face to face." He mutters to himself. He let out a smile, thinking about his crush. "Perhaps one day we can be together."

Kurt turns around when he hears the door opens. He quickly warps away before Y/N could catch him. Y/N is still panting because of the class. "Where's the damn cola can!?" He sprints towards his mini fridge and grabs a cola can. He opens it and drink out of it. He let out a satisfying groan. "Ah, better." Y/N smiles. He notices a note on his bed. He puts the can on his desk and pick up the letter. "Didn't I lock my door?"

Y/N opens up the letter and reads it.

'Hello Y/N,

I wish I could tell you this in person, but I'm nervous. I like you lot and I hope you like me too, even though this letter is anonymous. Perhaps in the future I have the courage to tell you how I really feel about you.

Your secret admirer.'

Y/N puts the letter down. "Somebody likes me?"


Kurt and Scott are outside together, sitting on a bench. They endure another class together.

"C'mon Kurt, I'm sure he likes you. Why won't you confess to him?" Scott asks. Kurt told him he has a crush on Y/N, because he wants some advice for it. Scott is trying to convince Kurt for convincing his love to Y/N, but it isn't working well.

"Because... because look at me! I'm not normal! Why would he ever go for me?" Kurt argues.

Scott sighs. "C'mon Kurt. I won't deny it you look different than the rest of us, but that doesn't mean you're ugly." He tries to reassure his friend.

Kurt looks at Scott. "You think so?"

"Yes, and I'm sure Y/N feels the same way. I won't pressure you to confess to Y/N, however I do encourage it. You already confess it anonymously, perhaps the next step is telling him face front." Scott says.

Kurt hums. "I will think about it."


The students are currently having lunch in the living room, sitting on the couch. Kurt is eating his lunch with Jean and Scott. Y/N walks in the room, spotting his friends.

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