Y/N lifting Thor's hammer

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It's in the afternoon. Thor and Steve are sparing in the gym, standing in the boxing ring.

"For a human, you are better than average." Thor chuckles.

"You will be surprised how many people could rival your strength." Steve comments. He throws a punch towards him, but Thor quickly dodges it.

"I hope to see that."

Both men continue their match. Meanwhile in the background, Y/N is carrying a laundry basket with a tired face. "'Y/N, you shouldn't paint a dick my suit! Y/N, you shouldn't hide my tools for a prank! Y/N, you shouldn't override FRIDAY's program to let me record some stupid dance I did by myself!'" Y/N complains to himself in his Tony Stark impression. "I can't believe he punishes me to pick up everybody laundry. I shouldn't take that damn bet with Pietro." He groans.

He sees some used towels about a few feet in front of him. He walks towards it and stumble against an object, which Thor sees, and Steve hears the incident. Y/N drops the laundry basket, losing the laundry that was already in it. "You got to be kidding me!" He groans.

Steve runs towards his teammate. "Here, let me help."

"Thanks." Steve lifts him up. Afterwards, Steve helps him re-collect the laundry that has fallen the towels as well, while Thor looks at Y/N speechless. "Thank you for the help, but I should go. There is a lot of laundry left."

"Hope you remember not to 'prank' someone." Steve comments.

"Yeah yeah..." Y/N says tiredly and walks away with the laundry basket.

Steve looks back at a speechless Thor, looking intense at the object Y/N stumble against, his hammer. "Are you okay?"

"Y/N stumble against Mjolnir, knocking it over." Thor explains.

Steve looks confuse at him. "And?"

"If he can knock it over, he can lift it, meaning he's worthy for wielding my powers and he's a potential ruler of Asgard!" Thor explains with worry.

"He can rule Asgard? Don't you think that is a little far fetch? Why would your father allow somebody that isn't his child be ruler of Asgard?" Steve asks, trying to calm down Thor.

"True, but if he can wield my hammer, it only means he's beyond a regular human." Thor explains. He picks up his hammer and walks away. Steve just sighs, looking at his friend walking away.


Y/N is sitting in the living room, playing some video games. Thor spots him and walk towards him, with his hammer in his hand.

"Hey Thor. Want to game with me?" Y/N asks, and pickups another controller for his friend.

"Not today, but I need you to do a favor."

"What can I do?" Y/N asks.

"Can you lift your arm towards the television?" Thor asks.

"Alright...?" Y/N says unsure.

He did what Thor asked and he smiles. "Thank you, Y/N." He move his hammer towards Y/N arm and forcefully give it to him.

"What are you doing?" Y/N says and drops the hammer.

"I knew it! You can wield Mjolnir!" Thor says in passion.

"Cool, can I go back to gaming?"

"No, why can you wield the hammer?" Thor asks.

"I dunno, ask the person who made the hammer." Y/N says back.

Thor grunts and walks around in circles for some seconds. "You know what I think? I think you are my rival, trying to get the throne."

Y/N looks at confuse. "Eh?"

"But I am going to prove myself. Prepare yourself." And with that, Thor storms away.

Y/N looks back at his game. "What was that?"


Y/N is in the kitchen, making a meal for himself. It was all well for a moment, till Thor walks in...

"I demand a battle Y/N!"

Y/N looks away from his food and look quietly at him for a second. "I'm making a sandwich."

"Good for you. This only means you are not a worthy ruler of Asgard. We get food from our cooks." Thor says proudly.

"That just sounds lazy."

Thor looks silently at Y/N for a moment. "Anyway," He dismisses his claim. "I want a battle."

Y/N groans. "Holy crap Thor, I don't want to battle you, hell, I don't even want the throne!" He complains.

"Then why can you lift my hammer?!"

"How the fuck should I know!? Maybe we can both rule Asgard?" Y/N shrugs in frustrations.

"How does that work? If I could rule with somebody else, I don't think my brother and I would have that many problems with each other."

"I was talking about marriage." Y/N sighs and continue making his sandwich.

Thor looks at Y/N and realizes something. "...That makes sense!" Y/N looks confuse at him. Thor get down to his knees and looks at his teammate. "Y/N, would you do the honor and be my husband?"

Y/N glares at him. "We aren't even dating. Why would I marry you?"

"Then I ask you for a date." Thor takes Y/N and kisses it, making him cringe. "We can go into town and enjoy each other's presence." He says with a smile and wink to Y/N.

Y/N looks quite at him. "...You only want to date me because I manage to lift the hammer and said that it 'could' mean that we could rule Asgard together as a couple."

Thor hums. "True, but it makes sense." He says and smile back.

Y/N rolls his eyes. "Fine, if you stop being annoying, I go on ONE date with you."

Thor smiles and stands up. "Thank you." He then kisses on the lips, making Y/N flustered. "See you later my friend." He walks away.

Y/N looks at Thor looking walking away. "ThatSmoove fucker."

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