Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 2

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It's another day for Spider-man to do his usual duties. Swinging around, making sure everyone is safe, and with no crime around, he helps people with minor problems, such as getting cats out of trees. That's it, until his Spidey senses is tingling. That's when he gets to the location. After swinging around a minute, he arrives at the urban area where all the rich people live. In one of the houses is one hell of a party. Peter can hear it from a mile away. Despite the way too loud noise, there doesn't appear anything is wrong. Still, he investigates.

He gets on the roof of the mansion and look through the windows. There, he spots someone familiar. Flash. Meaning the entire party consists of the popular kids. Peter even recognizes some others. He looks around the crowded living room, looking if there is anything bad is happening. While doing so, he spots Y/N, who look a bit off. His body looks sluggish, with his hands trying to grab the nearest furniture for support.

"Is he drunk...?"

Peter becomes worried for his crush. The most popular guy slowly walks away, trying to stand up straight in the process. Peter watches where he's going. Eventually, Y/N enters another room, from what Peter guess is the bathroom. His spider senses know this is because of him. Thus, Spider-Man moves around the building until he gets to the bathroom. Looking through a high, small bathroom window, he sees Y/N on the floor.


Spider-Man opens the window to gets in. With the door locked, Peter feels secure he won't be spotted. He quickly drops next to Y/N to check out his status. Grabbing the pols, Peter can feel him breathing. "Y/N! Y/N!" Peter adjusts himself to put the quarterback on his lap while trying to wake him up. "Y/N, are you alright!?"

After calling out his name a couple of times, Y/N slowly opens his eyes, seeing Spider-Man in his view. "Spider-Man...?"

"Y/N! Thank god! Are you alright?" Y/N let out a couple of groans. He merely shakes his head as he closes his eyes. Peter frowns. He looks around for any idea to help Y/N. "What happened? Are you drunk?" Y/N murmured in disagreement. "Is there any chance you got drugged?" There is no respond from Y/N, which sickens Peter. After thinking about this for some seconds, the hero made up his mind. "Alright, I'm bringing you back to your home."

Spider-Man stands up. He grabs Y/N, holding him. "Hold tight." Y/N slowly put his arms and legs around Spider-Man. Peter looks back at the small window. If they squeeze enough, they can both fit through it.


Soon enough, after receiving the address from Y/N, swings to his place and to the window of his bedroom. Peter opens it and carefully gets in his bedroom. Turning on the light next to the bed, Peter can see Y/N's bedroom. It's quiet stylish, with a vast difference of interest, such as video games, movies and sports.

Spider-Man gets to Y/N's bed to put his crush on it. With gentility, he puts Y/N on the bed, lying him. Afterwards, he crouches down next to his face. "You doing okay, Y/N?"

Y/N shakes his head. "I feel sick..."

"I grab some water. Do you want painkillers or something?"

"Just water. Thanks."

Spider-Man then stands up to leave the bedroom. He wonders if Y/N's parents are home or not. The superhero walks to the kitchen to grab a glass and pour some water. Then, he walks back. With a glass of water in his hand, he hands it over to Y/N while helping him sit up.

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