Being Thor sponsor and coach

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After the entire fight, Thor is back to his regular, sucky life. Though after the final battle with his friends against Thanos, his perspective on life changes. He wants to change the present to better himself, for the family members he lost, as well for his teammates and the people of Asgard. However, as strong as Thor is, he knows he's not going to hold himself accountable 100%. Thus, he got a sponsor, that also will be his training buddy. It's his fellow Avenger, Y/N.

That leads them to the first day. Thor is wearing his sweatpants and sweater. He and his friend are in his home, officially starting his new way.

"Alright, first things first, we're going to get rid of all the alcohol here. That way, if you want a sip, it will be a bit harder. We also clean this place up a bit."

"Sounds easy enough." Thor leads Y/N to the kitchen to show off the amount of booze he has. He and his friend grab the drinks one by one and pour down it down in the sink. "Thanks again for helping me. I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Not at all. I got a lot of free time, which is weird because I really should catch up for half of my friends." Y/N smiles as he talks. "Oh yeah, after this, we need to do something."

"And that is?"

"We're going to get rid of that beard."


Three hours later, and the preparations has been set. Five years' worth of unkept hair is gone. No beard, extremely long hair is reduced and turned back to his godlike, golden blonde hairstyle. Thor feels a bit better now that he looks like more of his former self. Now he only needs to get rid of his beer belly and cut down with the alcohol, which sounds easier than it actually is. That leads the two outside, starting the first workout routine.

"It's best to start your workouts with some stretches. I usually do 10 of them before working out, but we see how many you can do right now. So, follow me." And so, Thor replicate the same stretches Y/N's do. Right now, Thor is bothered with the extra weight, but he knows that comes later.

After several minutes of stretches, Thor did them all. An optimistic smile on his face. "What now?"

"Now we just jog. We need to build the condition. Along the way, we do some squads, push-ups, sit-ups and lungers. Before we begin, know that losing weight is hard and takes time. Be patient and stay motivated, because that's the biggest reason why so many people struggle."

"I will keep that in mind." Thor nods. "And you don't have to worry my motivation. I'm going to reclaim my former glory."

"That's the spirit! Now, let's go!"

And so, they begin the workout. It starts out slowly, just some simple jogging. Nothing too spectacular happened at first. Despite his size, Thor is still a god and without issue did what he was challenged to do. However, as the last few minutes begin to set in, Thor notices the lack of physical activities the last few years finally catching up to him, as his panting became heavier and his movement slowing down.

"You alright there, buddy?"

"I'm... fine..."

"We're almost finished. Let's go!"

After around a minute, the first day of working out has ended. The thunder god catches up his breath as he grabs his knees. Y/N notices his fatigue, but even so, respect him to finish it.

"You did great. Keep going like that and you will be back to yourself in no time." Y/N grabs a water bottle from his pocket and hand it over.

"Thanks." Thor grabs the bottle and drinks it. After a long sip, he regains his breath a bit and look back at his coach. "Back in the days, I could do this for hours until no end."

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