Clint getting a divorce Part 3

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Clint arrives in front Y/N's apartment deep into the night, with dried tiers on his face. He knocks on the door. Within a few seconds, Y/N opens it. He instantly sees Clint face. Y/N could guess what happened.

"I'm... I'm not with..." Clint struggles with talking.

Y/N hugs his best friend. "I'm sorry."

They hug for a while. Y/N eventually stops hugging Clint. "Do you want to come in?" Clint hums. He walks in and Y/N follows. Clint sits on the couch as does Y/N. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Clint takes a few seconds to start talking. "It was mutual. We both realized we weren't meant to be together."

Y/N looks at Clint with sympathy. "What about your kids?"

"She said I'm allowed to see them anytime. We haven't told them yet." Clint answers. He looks at the floor. "She also said she has no intension to steal any money for me. She just wants me to pay child support for the kids, not her. We didn't discuss any other detail, but I'm prepared to give up the farm for them, since I'm almost never there." He sighs sadly.

Y/N thinks a few seconds till he chose his words correctly. "You can stay however long you want Clint."

Clint looks over to his best friend and crush. Suddenly, words he didn't want to say come out of his mouth. "Y/N, I also developed a crush on someone."

Y/N looks surprise. "Oh, um... I'm sorry you had to deal with that during such a hard time."

Clint let out a tired sigh. He looks deep into Y/N's eyes. "Y/N, I think I love you!" He just yelled it out.

Y/N eyes went wide. He doesn't believe what he just heard. Did his former crush just confessed his love to him? "W-what...?" He merely responds.

"I-I realized when you said we had no chance to be together." Clint stutters. Y/N stands up and turn around, not wanting to see Clint. The Avenger stands up as well. "Since then, I couldn't stop thinking about us. About how much time we spent enjoyed together. About our potential future. Y/N, I'm sorry how late I realized I'm into guys, but I love you." Clint looks nervously at Y/N, waiting for any kind reaction at all. Y/N put his hands at his face, looking tired. Clint begins to feel even more nervous. "Y/N?"

"Just leave me..." Y/N quietly respond.

Clint eyes went wide open. He knew it was a risk telling Y/N about this. He walks up to Y/N and put his hand on his shoulder. "Y/N, I'm sorry-"

"Leave me alone...!" Y/N's voice cracks. Clint takes a few steps back. He sees Y/N shivering thanks to this mess. Clint knew the best thing to do is leave his best friend alone. He walks away towards the door. He opens the door and before leaving, he looks back at Y/N, who is still standing with a sad face. Clint wanted to say one last thing, but he doesn't know what to say. He turns around and walk out of the apartment. He just hopes this isn't the last time he saw Y/N.


After deciding where Clint could sleep over, he chose to go to Natasha. Clint knows where she's staying, since she's usually on the move. Clint walks in a hotel she is staying and going to her room, which is on the fourth floor. Clint knocks on the door. Natasha quickly opens it. Like Y/N, Natasha could've guess what happened to her best friend, judging by Clint's face.

"Can I sleep over?" Clint asks tiredly.

Nat hums. "Come in." Clint walks inside. He looks at the clean hotel room. He walks up to the couch and sits down. "You can sleep on the bed. I can sleep for the couch for a night."

"Thanks." Clint responds.

Natasha walks towards the bathroom to grab a glass of water. She returns and give it to Clint, who accepts it. "Want to talk about it?" She sits next to the archer.

"I'm not together with Laura anymore." Clint announces. "...I also confessed to Y/N."

Natasha looks surprise. She didn't expect Clint his new discovered feelings so soon to Y/N. "He wasn't happy about it?"

Clint shakes his head. "He probably thinking I'm making fun of him."

"He probably needs time to process it. He accepted the fact he was your best friend and nothing more. It's hard to change that back to having a crush on you." Natasha explains.

"I know." Clint quietly replies. "I'm just feel like shit for letting Y/N feel this way. What if he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore?" He looks at Natasha.

Natasha thinks for a moment. "Y/N still care about you, whether he wants to be best friends with you, or date you. He just need time to process it. Afterwards, he comes back to you."

Clint takes a few seconds till respond. "I want some sleep." He stands up. "Where's the bedroom?"

"To my left, behind you." Natasha answers. Clint turns around and walk towards the bedroom. "You also need to take your time, y'know? It's not easy getting a divorce and having a conflict with your best friend."

Clint turns around to look at Natasha. "Goodnight, Nat." He turns around and go to bed.

After removing his clothes, he lay down on the bed. He feels tired, yet he can't sleep. He looks at the nightstand and grabs his phone to check it out. It's 4 AM. Clint checks any messages from Y/N, but there aren't any. He decided to send a message to Y/N.

'Hey Y/N, I'm sorry if it seemed I'm making fun of you. It wasn't my intention to hurt you. I care about you. We've been best friends around 15 years. Whether I'm your best friend, or your boyfriend, I want you to know I want to stay by your side. I know you're probably still mad about the situation or me and I hope one day you can talk to me. Again, I want to apologize for hurting you.'

With that, Clint sends the message and turn off the phone. He puts it back on the nightstand and goes back to sleep, wondering if he can see Y/N ever again.

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