The Time Steve Got High

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Steve and Y/N dressed up quiet formerly for Tony's party. As they walk around with similar people, they made their way to the bar to order some drinks. When they get their drinks served, they enjoy each other's company until the host walks over to them.

"Hello Y/N and Capsicle. Enjoying the party?"

"A lot." Y/N says with a smile. He begins to look around. "Though where the hell is the rest?"

"How about there." Tony points behind Y/N.

The man turns and smiles. "Oh!" He then looks back at his boyfriend. "I'm going to say hi." Thus, he walks away, leaving Tony with Steve.

"It must suck that you can't get drunk." Tony then stands besides Steve, joining him as they drink.

"I'm fine with it. That way, I can watch people like you get drunk and do something stupid." Steve insults him as he smirks. "Remember the time you stripped?"

"I remember. But that wasn't stupid. I wasn't embarrassed at all." Tony points out. "I can only imagine you be embarrassed because Y/N sure loved to watch me."

"Considering he's with me, I don't think so." Steve says with confident, not all shattered by the roasts. "Have a nice party, Tony."

That's when the billionaire something behind Steve. It's on a table a couple of feet away, where the guests enjoy Tony's 'special' brownies. With a smirk on his face, the rich man got a plan. "I think I will. How about I bring something for you to eat? You must be hungry after all the drinking."

Steve chuckles. "All the drinking? I'm not an alcoholic Tony, unlike you."

Tony merely smirks and away to get the piece of brownie. "And I'm not getting stoned..."


An hour later and Y/N decided to look for Steve after chatting with his friends. As he walks around, he spotted his boyfriend and walks towards him. The blonde looks very happy, which makes Y/N happy.

"Hey Steve."

"Y/N! Heeey!" Y/N is a little caught off by Steve's enthusiasm. "There is my little male girlfriend."


Steve gets closer to Y/N and put his arms around him. "I missed you- Hey, I can see my reflection from your eyes!" That's when the soldier begins making funny faces in front of the confused and worried man. It doesn't make it easier that is pupils are really small.

"Steve, are you drunk?"

"I can't get drunk. You knooow that."

"Are you high then?"

"Nope. I didn't smoke at all."

Y/N then looks really worried. "D-did you get drugged!? What the hell did you drink?"

"Just three glasses of... something. Oh yeah! I also ate a brownie."

Y/N gasps. "You ate a brownie!? You mean Tony's?"

"Yes. Is that bad? Do you think I get fat? I can't get fat either."

With a sigh, Y/N grabs Steve's hand and looks around for Tony. When he spots the man, Steve can feel his hand being dragged by his boyfriend storming towards him. When they get to him, Tony can't help but smirk when he sees Steve's laugh.

"Tony, did Steve ate one of your brownies?"

"He gave them to me." Steve answers instead of the rich man.

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