Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Final Part

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Two weeks later, and the relationship between Peter and Y/N has been going really steady. Though Y/N still don't know Spider-Man's true identity. Still, it's beyond good. Peter feels great now that he finally has the guy he has been dreaming for. Y/N, meanwhile, feels the same towards the superhero.

As for today, Spider-Man is ready for another date. With a bouquet in his hand, he swings towards Y/N's house. When he got to the roof, he notices the bouquet is somewhat destroyed, with about half being fine.

"Darn it." Peter mutters. Luckily, Y/N isn't here right now. With haste, he quickly tries to remove the flowers that completely are destroyed.

After around 5 seconds, Peter quickly locks his eyes to the entrance when he sees Y/N walking in. "Hey, Spidey."

"H-Hey." Peter quickly stops what he's doing to show off the flowers. "I got you something."

"Aw, what nice." Y/N accepts the flowers happily, though he does notices the damage, but won't comment on it. "Let me get these drop off by my home. Be back around 5 minutes."

It didn't take a long time for Spider-Man before Y/N got back on the roof. Now with his gift dropped off, Y/N is ready for his date.

"Shall we go?"


Three hours later, and a date late in the noon ends up at the end of the night. Both men enjoyed their date, even with the constrains of doing normal things on date. Y/N started to enjoy swinging with Spider-Man, as they get to the park, to a restaurant to order food, to get a view on the entire city. So, after one amazing date, they get back to Y/N's place.

"That was amazing. I'm glad I get to be with such an amazing guy." Y/N complements him without hesitation.

"Thanks." Peter is still in disbelief the way Y/N is throwing complements to him, one after another. "I'm always open to spend time, even though I have to do a lot of crime fighting."

"Good to know." Y/N walks over to the superhero and plants a kiss on his cheek, making the teen behind the mask blush really badly. "I would've kissed you without the mask."

Peter can't help but let out a nervous chuckle. Without thinking it, he grabs his mask and lift it up until his mouth is exposed. "W-what about now?"

Y/N smirks. He again gives a kiss to him, now on the lips. Peter can't help but kiss back, happily embracing the moment. The superhero even put his hand behind Y/N's neck to get a better grip. As the two continue making out, Y/N eventually pulls back a little.

"My parents are out of town. If you want, we can make out back at my place. ...And do much more."

The nerd can't help but freeze up a bit. Y/N wants to have sex with him? The guy that he had a crush on for so long. Even with this relationship just being two weeks. This is all going so fast. Y/N doesn't even know his true identity, and still wants to do something so sacred with him. In his mind, Peter thinks it would be better if things go slower for both of them sakes, on the other hand...

"Let's go."


On Y/N's bed, he and Peter are lying next to each other. Both underneath the sheets, naked and panting. The superhero still wears his mask. Thanks to this, Peter feels lucky Y/N can't see his stunned expression. It was his first time, and it was amazing. Yet on the other hand, he feels guilt. He keeps thinking what Ned said, about him taking advantage of Y/N. He wasn't lying.

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