Deadpool flirting with Piotr's husband

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Deadpool fought a couple of new enemies he made along the way of his life. He's currently on the top of a penthouse. Many of his enemies are slaughter with one remaining alive, sitting against the railing of the roof. Deadpool crouches down to pester the guy who is dying.

"And that is exactly why you don't ruin a bachelors party! Don't you dare cock blocking me again! I may tried to hook up with the bachelor, but that doesn't make it right to walk in and act tough like 'oh, we're going to kill you now'!" Deadpool annoys the last gang member, who is looking tired. The red maniac hears footsteps behind him. He knows what to do and quickly put his fist against the stranger's vitals without looking away, however he hisses because the pain he recognizes from someone. He looks behind him and up. "Oh hey! I thought I recognize the metallic penis!"

Piotr sighs, not wanting to deal with this again. "Back to slaughtering people again?"

Deadpool stands up. "Yep, and I'm not going to let you judge me! I'm totally in the right." He looks behind him. "Don't you agree guy who I don't know?"

The guy merely coughs up blood. Deadpool awkwardly looks back at Piotr, who look at him with doubt. "Right..."

Deadpool looks pass the giant Russian and sees another familiar face. "Hey grumpy teenager!" Negasonic doesn't seem amused and continue chewing her gum. "Never mind." Deadpool wanted to turn back to Colossus, but notices a new face, a handsome face. Deadpool gasps at the gorgeous man. He quickly checked the man out and boy is he hot. Deadpool sprint towards the new guy and begin making his move. "Habba habba. Name is Deadpool. Just a guy who can kill anybody he wants and pleasure anybody in bed."

The man doesn't look effected by Deadpool's words. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Y/N, what a sexy name!" Deadpool yells excitedly. He holds Y/N by the shoulders. "I know a love hotel where we can go to. I promise you it's going to be the best sex you ever have."

Y/N looks disturbed at the guy he just met. Piotr grabs Deadpool and pushes him a few feet back. "Stay away from my husband." Piotr glares.

Deadpool look surprise at Piotr. He looks back at Y/N, then back at Piotr, then back at Y/N. "Y/N, how could you?! I feel betrayed!"

Y/N looks at Wade in disbelief. "I just met you!"

"And you!" Deadpool takes hefty steps towards Piotr and points his finger up to Colossus' chest. "You're beyond his league, and he can get better. Like, how the hell does sex works with you!? You can break his ass or worse!"

Piotr and Y/N both share a look of unsurely. Piotr faces back at Deadpool, who still points at Piotr. "Our sex life isn't any concern to you."

Deadpool scoffs. "I doubt that." He looks back at Negasonic. "How long did you know about this? And why didn't you tell me?"

"Why do you care? You jealous?" Negasonic spat back.

Deadpool let out a fake laugh. "Me!? Jealous!? Nope!"

The three X-Men give a share look. Piotr look back at Deadpool. "We're here to get you to join the X-Men."

"Nope, thank you." Deadpool turns around. He walks towards the guy he left behind, however see him dead.

"We're not taking no as an answer." Y/N says to Deadpool.

Wade turns around to look back at Y/N's face. He hops towards Y/N happily. Piotr makes sure to stand in front of his husband. "Fine, I come." Deadpool responds casually. He then glares at Piotr who is protecting Y/N.

Piotr grabs the handcuff. "Finally, some cooperation."

"Na-ah-ah." Deadpool wiggles his finger. "I only come if Y/N is taken me."

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