A few ago, Peter and Y/N were bored and wanted to do something together. Peter suggested that they should play a game together. He gives some suggestions, but none of the games clicked with Y/N. But then an idea popped up in Y/N's mind, and he said to his boyfriend that they should play Pokémon Platinum, which Peter agrees.
So today they got the games and play together. They are at Peters place, sitting next to each other and play with their DS's.
"No! I lost to the first gym!" Peter says in frustration.
Y/N looks over to Peter. "Didn't you choose Chimchar? How could you lose to Roark when you have a fighting type?"
"Fighting type? He's just fire." Peter says confuse.
"Wait, you didn't involve it to Monferno?" Y/N asks in disbelief.
"Umm..." Peter looks unsure at Y/N.
"He evolves at level 14! You can easily reach that level." Y/N over-reacts on purpose and smiles. "It may also be handy to catch a Budew on route 204."
Peter smiles. "I will do that."
Two days later, Y/N beat the Hearthome gym and get his third gym. Though Peter is lost in Wayward Cave, a dark cave where the layout is confusing.
"Y/N, help?" Peter says sadly.
Y/N looks towards his boyfriend. "What's wrong?"
"I'm lost. Please help." Peter says quietly.
Y/N looks at Peters screen. "Have you tried Flash yet?"
"What's that?"
Y/N sighs. "You really don't know this game, huh?" He looks disappointedly at peter.
"Umm... no, sorry." Peter apologizes.
"It's okay." Y/N smiles "Just go to your bag, go to your TM's and look for Flash. Give it one for your Pokémon's, use the move and get out of that cave."
Peter smiles. "Thanks, I'm going to give it to Roselia." He says and opens his bag.
"You probably want to change the move when you get the opportunity. Flash is kinda trash." Y/N adds.
"Y/N, do you want to have a fight?" Peter asks to Y/N.
"Like a Pokémon battle? Or a one in real life? Because I win either way." Y/N says with a smug smile.
"A Pokémon battles?" Peter says unsure thanks to Y/N comment. "We both have 5 badges and 6 Pokémon's. I think it would be fun battling each other." He explains.
"Only if we do a 3 against 3 matches. I don't want it to take long because I want my 6th badge." Y/N explains.
So, both men go to the pokecenter and connect with each other. After that, they do their battle preparations and are starting their fight. Y/N send out his Gabite and Peter sends out his Infernape.
"You got to be kidding me." Peter sighs, knowing Y/N is in the advantage.
"Hope you got better Pokémon." Y/N smirks, he selects Gabite's dig. Peter selected Close Combat and his move come first, dealing more than half damage. Afterwards, Gabite digs down. After the first turn, Peter uses close combat again, but thanks to Gabite's dig, it misses and Gabite damages Infernape over half the damage.
"Yes!" Peter smiles, knowing he can defeat Y/N's Gabite. Y/N knows this and decided to switch to his Drifblim. Drifblim comes out and Peter looks surprise. "Really Y/N?" Peter says dissonantly. Infernape uses Mach punch, but thanks to Drifblim ghost type, it didn't have any effect. Infernape uses flame wheel and deal less than half damage. Afterwards, Drifblim uses fly and next turn hits Infernape, almost defeating it. Infernape did a flame wheel again but didn't manage to defeat Drifblim and she countered with an Ominous wind, defeating Peter's Infernape.
"One defeated, two to go." Y/N grins.
Peter looks depressed at his Infernape. "You did well my friend." Afterwards, he sends out his Umbreon. "Avenge Infernape."
Before Umbreon could use assurance, Drifblim uses silver wind and almost defeat Umbreon. Peter gasps as Drifblim took a hit by Umbreon Assurance, almost defeating it. The next turn Drifblim finish Umbreon with a silver wind. "Well, how is the avenging going?" Y/N grins smugly.
"I thought Umbreon could finish the job..." Peter says quietly. "Roserade, I believe that you can defeat Y/N's last Pokémon's."
Roserade attacks first and finishes off Y/N's Drifblim with a shadow ball. "Congrats Peter, you finally manage to defeat one of my Pokémon's." Y/N mog Peter.
Peter just sticks out his tong. "Ha ha, I know, I know."
Y/N sends out his Gallade and Peter looks surprise at him. "How- how did you get Gallade?!"
"You can get the dawn stone in Mt. Coronet between Hearthome and Oreburgh city. All you need to do is get surf and find the dawn stone at a rock." Y/N explains to Peter, grinning at Peter's lack of knowledge of Pokémon Platinum.
Roserade uses Shadow ball again and damage just enough to go half of Gallade's hp. Afterwards, Gallade uses Psycho Cut, doing more damage then Roserade. Peter orders Roserade to use shadow ball again, but he was surprised that thanks to Gallade's quick claw, he got to move first and defeat Roserade with a psycho cut.
"What!?" Peter yells in surprise.
Y/N laughs loudly. Tony walks in when he hears Y/N and walk towards him. "Are you winning son?" Tony says with a grin.
"Yes dad, by beating Peter's ass." Y/N says with a grin back.
Peter sighs. "At least I'm good in the main story."
Y/N finally did it. After playing for days, he got 8 badges and defeated the league. He looks at the hall of fame and sees his Pokémon's: Torterra, Garchomp, Drifblim, Gallade, Gastrodon and Togekiss. Peter, however, is currently fighting the champion, Cynthia.
"Don't use that move! Why did you do that!?" Y/N yells at Peter as he made a grave mistake which costs his Roserade life to a flamethrower from Cynthia's Garchomp.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Peter panics. He's down to one Pokémon and doesn't have any revives because he forgot to buy them. Peter looks intense at the screen and know this is the moment he could win or fail. Cynthia final Pokémon is currently at the field. Peter looks at his final Pokémon, Azumarill, nervously.
"Peter, listing, don't screw this up and choose ice beam." Y/N warns.
Peter looks nervously and looks at his screen and orders Azumarill to use ice beam. Garchomp moves first and uses Dragon rush, almost defeating Peter's last Pokémon. He yelps and afterwards Azumarill uses ice beam. The health bar of Garchomp slowly goes down. "Holy- hurry it up!" Peter yells in frustration. After a second or two the bar finally stops. Cynthia's Garchomp's health is depleted, and she is defeated. Peter yells in excited and hugs his boyfriend. "I did it! I did it!"
"I knew you would win." Y/N grins while telling a white lie to Peter.
After a short cutscene, Peter sees his Pokémon in the hall of fame: Infernape, Roserade, Umbreon, Azumarill, Staraptor and Lucario.
"Well, what now? We beat the game." Peter says, the last part sounding slightly sadly.
Y/N hums while thinking for what to do next. "Want to play Heartgold and Soulsilver?"

Marvel Oneshots X Male reader
FanfictionHopefully people requests something to me to write about, if not than you only have the request page I guess. Edit: unless I made my own oneshots, which I do now