Steve playing Minecraft with his boyfriend

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Y/N invited Steve to join the Avengers Minecraft server a few days ago. From all the Avengers, Steve was the least interested to play video games, though his boyfriend loves them. However, Steve is always open for new experience, especially if it involves spending time with his beloved. They are both in the living room, laptops out and sitting on the couch next to each other. Steve is about to log in the server for the first time.

"Why does everything look like a cube?" Steve asks.

"It's called having a style sweetie." Y/N comments. Both men are in a grass field in the server. Steve is looking around while Y/N is already decked out with diamond gear. "Do you even know what to do?"

"No, I don't." Steve respond.

"Well, we first move to the tree." Y/N walks over a tree, however Steve doesn't move. "Steve, move forward with W."


Steve follows Y/N to a tree, once they arrive, they stop. "The first step is getting wood by punching the tree." Y/N explains.

Steve looks confuse. "That doesn't make sense. You don't punch trees."

"Steve, if anybody can get wood from a tree by punching them, it will be you." Y/N founds it cute how dumb Steve is acting. "Now punch it."

Steve punches the tree. Soon he gets a wooden block. "I got it."

"Now go to your inventory to make planks. Afterwards, make from those a crafting bench." Steve opens the inventory but is struggling to understand what to do next. Luckily, Y/N helps him out how the crafting feature works. Now Steve got a crafting bench. "Alright, now you that, let's find you a home."

Steve and Y/N run through the grass field, searching for a place where Steve can build his new home. However, they stop when they see a destroyed home. "Is this normal Y/N?"

"You got to be kidding me!?" Y/N sighs. "The griever struck again!" Y/N looks sadly at Clint's former house, now all destroyed and burning.

"Griever?" Steve doesn't know what a griever is.

"Somebody that likes to destroy our homes. The last past days somebody is destroying one of our homes, and I can't figure out who it is." Y/N explains.

Steve merely looks awkward at the scene. Why is there so much drama in a Minecraft server? Unbeknownst to him, it is only the start of the chaos.


Steve is alone on the server, finishing his wooden cottage at the end of a mountain. He got iron chest plate and pants, with an iron sword, though he isn't advance enough to get all decked out. Steve offers Y/N to live with him, but Y/N already had a home somewhere else. Steve sets his bed in his small but cozy bedroom.

'Hey pal!' Bucky types through the chat. Steve wanted to reply but doesn't know how to open up the chat. 'Join me on the Avenger discord.'

Luckily Steve learned how to use discord thanks to Y/N. He went out of the game and joins the call. "Hey Bucky."

"Hey Steve. I didn't thought you play Minecraft." Bucky says.

"You can thank Y/N for it." Steve smiles. "I made a cottage at the mountain."

"Nice, what's the coordinates?" Bucky asks.

"Coordinates? What do you mean coordinates?" Steve asks. Bucky learned Steve how to open coordinates. Afterwards Bucky goes to Steve. Once Bucky arrives, he's proud that Steve learned how to play video games. "Who did you even play know this game?" Steve asks.

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