Chapter 301: Clues

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  "I didn't know that General Gu encountered such a danger. Madam Gu, wait a moment." Su Dazhuang took a pen and paper and wrote down the names of five people for Li Mumu to see. "These five people were loyal and brave when they were in the army. They were also the earliest guys in our shop. They were the ones who firmly believed that our shop could succeed when we were not optimistic at the beginning."

  "When delivering goods on weekdays, if I encounter anyone who has trouble, I will help if I can. But if there are things that cannot be said, I will keep my mouth shut. Madam, just rest assured about this."

  Li Mumu took the list. She happened to know everyone on the list, so she nodded and said, "I'll leave this matter to you all."

  "Of course it is our duty." Su Dazhuang said, "This is a matter of concern to General Gu's safety, so we will do our best. Madam Gu, do you want to talk to them in person?"

  "Okay." Li Mumu nodded.

  Su Dazhuang went to call the five men.

  They all had delivery work to do at the moment, and came over immediately after finishing the delivery.

  After hearing what Li Mumu said, he immediately took it seriously.

  At the same time, Li Mumu also asked Zhao Zhengxiang to write a letter to Dajiang and Xiang Guicai.

  Dajiang and Xiang Guicai are now the heads of a region respectively.

  Since Zhao Zhengxiang uses the military method of sending letters, the two of them will receive the letter faster.

  While Zhao Zhengxiang and others were looking for Gu Shangqing, Li Mumu was also constantly researching where Gu Shangqing might be, constantly narrowing the scope.

  Li Mumu also followed Zhao Zhengxiang's team to look for Gu Shangqing.

  Originally, Zhao Zhengxiang was afraid that the search would be too difficult, especially since there were many mountains and steep cliffs at the border, and he was afraid that Li Mumu would not be able to hold on.

  Zhao Zhengxiang didn't have the courage to say it because he was afraid that Li Mumu would slow down their search.

  But Li Mumu knew Zhao Zhengxiang's worries, so she said, "I am not a lady from a wealthy family. I may not be as strong as the soldiers, and I may not be as fast as them in crossing mountains and rivers, but I can definitely hold on and not fall behind."

  "General Zhao, I won't try to be stubborn. If I can't hold on any longer, I will stay here and not participate in the search. I will definitely not slow down the process." Li Mumu assured Zhao Zhengxiang, "Besides, I want to find my husband as soon as possible more than anyone else, and I will never allow myself to be a drag."

  Zhao Zhengxiang also understood Li Mumu's feelings.

  No one knows what Gu Shangqing's current situation is.

  Li Mumu couldn't do anything.

  How can I feel at ease if I can only wait?

  But according to General Zhao, Li Mumu has already done a lot.

  She traveled a long way from the capital to the border, arranged for the trusted clerks of the errand shop and the freight shop to search for Gu Shangqing in a low-key manner, and also took General Li's handwritten letter to ask him for help. She also got a clear path from the saint, avoiding the risk of being questioned if she went out to search without permission.

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