Chapter 359: Prophecy

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  "That's fine, we can ask the errand shop to bring it to us." Madam Liu said, "If you want to eat it freshly roasted, we can ask someone to light a fire in the yard and smoke it a little."

  "However, the best thing is to eat it in the store. The taste is better when it is freshly baked." Mrs. Liu said.

  Li Mumu had already considered this.

  Wangyouxiaoxi is quite good because of its nice environment, and many noble ladies are willing to have meals there.

  But many official families, such as Liu Hanlin's, although their rank was not very high, but the women in the family were all from noble or scholarly families, and they were always elegant and particular, and were not willing to eat in the noisy and complicated environment of Gu's snack bar.

  Ever since the errand shop opened in Beijing, most of the customers who ordered food from Gu's Snacks and Gu's Fried Chicken were wealthy families.

  Although there are many servants in the mansion, each of them has his own work to do.

  Normally it would be fine to only send one or two of his men out, but if too many people were sent out, there would be a shortage of manpower in the mansion.

  There is a lot to eat, and if there are not enough people, it will not be enough, and if there are too many people, it will be too conspicuous.

  It would be better to ask a errand shop to deliver everything you need.

  Therefore, Li Mumu had already discussed with the errand shop in advance about the launch of the skewers.

  If customers want to eat at home but are worried that the skewers will get cold on the way, the taste of the food delivered to their home will not be as good as in the store.

  Gujia Snacks can provide charcoal stove.

  Li Mumute asked a blacksmith to make a small grill, which was much smaller than the grill in the shop.

  Gujia Snacks also provides charcoal fire.

  Just add some extra money for the charcoal and a deposit for the grill.

  The next day, the errand shop guy will come to collect the grill and return the deposit.

  Of course, if you have a suitable charcoal fire at home, you don't need to buy Gujia snacks.

  Carbon fire is not a must-buy option.

  Li Mumu told Mrs. Liu about this plan. "So if you don't want to use it in the store and want to use it in a better environment at home, we can also provide a smaller grill in our store, which is enough for the whole family. The grill in the store should be bigger because it can satisfy all the customers in the store."

  "Your idea is good." Mrs. Liu said,

  It's because you are good at business that you thought things through so carefully and in front of others, instead of waiting until problems really occurred to find solutions."

  "Mrs. Liu, you are too kind. It wasn't like this at the beginning." Li Mumu said, "It's just that I've been doing business for a long time and encountered a lot of things. At that time, I only tried to solve the problems when they arose. But after going through a lot, I can always accumulate some experience, so I can think of some things in advance. But it's inevitable that I will encounter things that I didn't expect."

  "When your shop starts selling grilled skewers, we'll go and take a look. If there are seats available, we'll eat in the store. If not, we'll ask someone to deliver the grill and the meat to your home," Mrs. Liu said with a smile.

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