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My name is Tuan Tuan, the "Tuan" from "Rice Ball." They say that when I was just born, because I ate too much, my mom and dad originally wanted to name me Tanfong (Rice Bucket). But grandpa, grandma, uncles, and everyone else strongly objected, so they changed it to "Rice Ball."

But honestly, I quite like the name "Rice Bucket." Bucket! Just hearing the name sounds powerful, totally matching my identity.

In comparison, the soft-sounding name "Rice Ball" doesn't seem as fitting. Every time they see me, they just hug and kiss me, completely ignoring the fact that I'm a fierce beast! It drives me mad!

Anyway, I absolutely refuse to admit that it's because I'm cute—it's definitely the name's fault!


Oh, right, I haven't introduced my family yet.

First off, my mom and dad.

My dad is an Immortal Lord, but it seems he prefers making movies in the mortal world more than being an Immortal Lord. My mom is a Taotie, and besides eating, she also acts in films in the mortal world.

I've watched every single one of their movies, but let me tell you a secret—I still think *Peppa Pig* and *Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf* are way better.

But, according to mom, the reason I exist is because she won the Best Actress award. Fine, I'll begrudgingly admit that her acting career has some value.

As for how I was born, now that's a long, long story.

First, my uncle told me that he was born from grandma in a hospital, and it was a difficult birth, apparently.

Then I went to ask my other uncle, who said he was hatched from an egg his mother laid and incubated in magma along with other eggs.

Later, I asked Uncle Kunpeng, and he said he couldn't quite remember how he was born, but all the fish in Mirror Lake are born from the eggs of mother fish.

Although all these birth methods are different, they have one thing in common—they all came from their moms.

So, I went to ask my mom.

But after mom gave me a kiss, she said, "Silly child, nothing living can come out of my belly. Of course, you were born from your dad!"


Dad has that ability?!

I rushed to find dad, hoping he could give me a younger brother or sister to play with.

And then, dad smiled and gave me a spanking.


If you don't want to give me a sibling, fine! Why take it out on me just because you're afraid to scold mom!

Actually, dad rarely spanks me. Later, mom told me it was because I had told Uncle Qin Yu about his embarrassing secret, which made him angry.

Hmph, Uncle Qin Yu, you big blabbermouth! I'll never talk to you again!

But really, mom and dad love me very much. Every so often, they go on their honeymoon and leave me with Uncle Kunpeng.

I really want to go on one of those honeymoons with them, but they never let me, always telling me, "Kids should eat less dog food, or you won't grow tall."

What's dog food? Why does it sound like it might be tasty?

But just in case it stunts my growth, maybe I should skip it.

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