Chapter 102: Sister Sang said if I get close to you again, I'll die...

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After a long while, Jiang Tao finally calmed down and walked out.

When Sang Ling saw her, she looked a bit surprised. "Jiang Jiang, where did you go? To the bathroom?"

Jiang Tao vaguely mumbled a response and continued looking towards the swimming pool.

Shen Zhiyan's pale back shimmered in the water a few times, and soon he resurfaced, holding several pearls that he placed on the poolside.

"Why is your face so red?" Sang Ling asked worriedly, touching Jiang Tao's forehead with the back of her hand. "Could it be heatstroke?"

Sang Ling pulled Jiang Tao under the shade. "Alright, take a rest. Don't stay in the sun too long."

Jiang Tao dazedly let herself be led away. Just as Sang Ling was about to call the PD and the accompanying doctor, Jiang Tao suddenly grabbed her. "Sister Sang, I have something to ask you..."

Sang Ling stopped. But Jiang Tao hesitated again. "Or maybe... I'll ask Lele instead."

Sang Ling immediately looked displeased. "Why would you ask Lele and not me? Is there something she knows that I don't? Jiang Jiang, you're playing favorites!"

Seeing her so confident, Jiang Tao believed her. Since they were in front of the camera, she felt embarrassed to mention Shen Zhiyan's name directly, so she changed her approach. "Sister Sang, it's like this. There's a type of food. I used to be fine with it, but suddenly... suddenly my heart starts racing when I see it. Have you ever experienced something like that?"

After hearing her out, Sang Ling asked, "Does your heart just race, or are there other symptoms?"

Jiang Tao thought for a moment and whispered, "My face turns red..."

"That's it!" Sang Ling clapped her hands. "Sweetie, you're probably having an allergic reaction!"

Jiang Tao: "Huh?"

Sang Ling continued, "I used to have an assistant who was allergic to pollen. They'd get a red, hot face and a racing heart, and in severe cases, they could even have difficulty breathing..."

Jiang Tao nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, that's exactly how I feel!"

Sang Ling immediately said, "Listen to me, stay away from that food first. After the recording, go get a thorough check-up."

"Avoid it..." Jiang Tao frowned. "But I can't avoid it..."

They're recording a dating show, and it wouldn't be right to keep avoiding Shen Zhiyan.

Sang Ling's expression turned serious. "You shouldn't take this lightly. Allergies can range from mild to severe. In extreme cases, they can even be fatal!"

Jiang Tao was taken aback.

Could it really be that serious?!

She nodded and said earnestly, "Sister Sang, I understand. I'll be careful!"

Sang Ling nodded with satisfaction. "It's alright, just stay away from the allergen."

So, during the pearl-gathering activity, Jiang Tao kept a wide berth around Shen Zhiyan. She only approached to collect the pearls he had already brought up once he dove back underwater.

After several rounds of this, Shen Zhiyan noticed something was off.

He leaned against the edge of the pool, holding a pink pearl in his hand. "Jiang Jiang, this pearl is for you."

Jiang Tao replied, "Oh, just leave it there. I'll get it later."

Shen Zhiyan's brow furrowed slightly.

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