Chapter 34: Eating Broadcast + Reaction...

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This episode of "Family Reunion Journey" quickly trended.

#Jiang Tao Was Trafficked#

#Jiang Tao Asks If Money Can Buy Familial Love#

Initially, when the marketing accounts posted about Jiang Tao's parents crying and accusing her of being cold and ungrateful, many people sided with them and condemned Jiang Tao.

But now, the truth had come out.

The situation had reversed.

The marketing accounts that initially spread the news were quickly deleting their posts and pretending nothing happened.

Netizens, realizing they had been accomplices, felt ashamed and apologized on their homepages, sending private messages to Jiang Tao, urging her to stay strong.

As the police investigation deepened, more shocking information surfaced.

【I was Jiang Tao's elementary school teacher. I remember her very well. She was very pretty but extremely frail and often had injuries. During a home visit, I found out she didn't even have her own bed and slept on the floor under her parents' bed. They even scolded her in front of me, and she did all the household chores. If it weren't for the nine-year compulsory education, they probably wouldn't have let her attend school.】

【This couple is notorious in our area for being deadbeats. They often bragged about having a celebrity daughter and said they could get money from her whenever they wanted. But we all knew the truth. They didn't care if the money burned their hands. After that man fell ill, many said it was karma.】

【As far as I know, Jiang Tao fled from home because her adoptive father—no, that scumbag of a man—was in debt to loan sharks and wanted to use her to repay the debt. The money Jiang Tao earned over the years was taken to pay off his debts under their harassment.】


With one shocking revelation after another, even bystanders couldn't help but feel sorry for Jiang Tao, and her fans were heartbroken.

The super-topic was filled with messages of "Heartache for Jiang Jiang."

If any haters appeared at this moment, they would be scolded into questioning their existence.

【The child's story is heartbreaking】

【Wuwuwu, my poor baby girl. I can't imagine how she survived in such an environment... It's too painful. I can't help but cry every time I think about it】

【Some people criticized her for being greedy and eating too much. I think it's a leftover effect from not having enough to eat as a child】

【Oh God, stop, you're making it worse】

【My cousin works in a charity that rescues trafficked children. She says that for someone like Jiang Tao, who was trafficked at a very young age and sold multiple times, it's almost impossible to find her biological parents】

【Wuwuwu... another stab to the heart. I feel so bad for Jiang Jiang】

【Every time I see Jiang Jiang saying she just wants to taste the flavor of familial love, my heart shatters】

【It's okay. If Jiang Jiang can't find her parents, then I will be her mom!!】

【Yes!! Online moms and dads never give up! We will always love our baby Jiang Jiang!】

Overwhelmed with emotion, fans renamed their fan groups to "Jiang Jiang's Mom Group No. 1," "Peach Baby's Dad Group," "Jiang Jiang's Sister Group," and "Jiang Jiang's Grandparents Group," among others.

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