13- "Good... Can I hide out in your house?"

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Evangeline's POV

So much was racing through my mind right now I could've passed out.
I ran and didn't stop, it was a long ways but I just kept going.

Why would Hudson be so concerned if I ran away?
Why did Harry HAVE to tell Liam?
Why did Liam care so much?
Did they know something I didn't?

All of these were racing through my mind and I almost didn't realize the car coming towards me. I stopped immediately and the person hit the brakes and started to get out. I ran faster and luckily they just got back into their car.

When I arrived at the house I prayed that no one was home except for her.

I knocked and the door swung open... Luckily my prayer worked, it was Veve.
"Veve, I need your help!" I told her. "Is anyone else home?"
"Nope, just me." She said.
"Good... Can I hide out in your house?"
"For how long."
"I don't know like maybe forever."
"Yeah sure." She laughed. I'm so glad I have a friend like her! "But why?"
"I just... Don't want to be around the boys right now. They won't let me be friends with Hudson and Hudson likes me but I don't like him back, we are just friends!"
"Ok... Well you're going to have to hide from my parents because they would not agree with this."
"Ok, can't be that hard right?"
"Well they never clean my room and I always eat up here and stuff so... I think we're good!" She smiled "But would you still want to go to school?"
"There is no way I'm going to school!"
A car pulled up in the drive way.
"Hurry go to my room!" She said.
We ran up the stairs and she shut the door behind her.

"Ok so no one is here while I'm at school and I have a phone charger and I usually just lock myself up here and they never bother me so I think you could hide up here for a while. Oh and I can bring up some food for you everyday."
"Cool, thank you so much! I just couldn't deal with all of the drama anymore. I don't want a parent I want to be free."
"I understand, and if you ever need to cry just know that I have a shoulder!" She said it so awkwardly but I loved it!
"Thank you!" I looked around her room, she had a TV and a mini fridge. No wonder she spent all of her time up here.

We sat on her bed and started watching ICarly and to my surprise it was the episode with One Direction on it. It was so ridiculous! They would never actually act like that and Harry hates Miranda Cosgrove! But Liam and the rest of the boys had barely any lines, everyone has always thought that Harry was the leader but honestly I would be scared if Harry was the leader! He is so inappropriate and stuff and it drives me crazy!

All of a sudden I heard.
*Let's have another toast to the girl almighty pray we stay young stay made of lightening* It was my phone going off. The ID said Harry and I ignored it. I swear I heard that song 10 more times that night. They were probably scared and I liked it that way, now they know how I felt!

"Ok well I have to go to bed because it's a school night and well, you can stay up if you'd like." Veve told me.
"Ok. Good night." I said.
"Good night." She smiled as she turned off the light

*Let's have another toast to the girl almig-* I was so sick of it that I answered Louis' phone call
"What Louis?!" I lightly screamed.
"Evangeline! I am so glad you answered!" I rolled my eyes. "Where are you, we will come get you."
"I don't want you to come get me. Don't you see that I was ignoring you for a reason. If I needed help I would've called but guess what, I'm fine! I have shelter and food and a friend. I don't need you!"
"Ava! You need to come home. Now!"
"No! For all I'm concerned, this is my home!" I quickly got out then hung up the phone.

I looked over at Veve and she smiled and gave me a high five. She supported my decisions even when other people didn't. I love her like a sister!

I quickly fell asleep after turning off my phone.

When I woke up I was super cold because I had accidentally slept on the air vent but oh well. I turned on my phone: 24 missed calls. 10 from Liam, 7 from Harry, 3 from Niall, and 4 from Louis.

I laughed when I looked at this. Then I noticed I also had 4 texts: 3 from Liam and 1 from Hudson.

Cole: Hey Evangeline, you really need to come home. I spent the night over at your house in hopes you would but you never did. (10:23 am)

It was now 11:17 but I didn't plan on answering anyway.

Liam: Ava please come home. Please call. I love you! (10:36 pm)

Liar, you don't really love me.

Liam: Ava I mean it I love you please come home, I don't know what happened all I know is that I need you to come home and I need to hold you in my arms because I love you. Please Evangeline come home! (11:45 pm)

He was just saying that, he was probably going to punch me if I came home not hug me!

Liam: Ava I love you please come home. All of the boys are trying to find you and we need you to come home. Please answer your calls baby, I love you. (12:30 pm)

I doubt they were actually out until midnight looking for me. They probably hated me and wanted to kill me by now.

I had 1 voicemail and it was from Liam, it was like 3 minutes long.

'Hi baby, its Liam.' He was crying, he was actually crying. I had never heard him cry before. 'Please come home, we won't be mad. You were right we should give Hudson a second chance, he spent the night last night and we learned a lot about him. You were right and I'm sorry. I love you Evangeline. Please come home and I will love you endlessly. Please Ava! I love you! Please come home.' He was actually sobbing now. I did this to him how could I do this to my father, the one who took me in while I was hurting? 'Ava please come home... We aren't mad at you you were right. Hudson is a great guy with a bad family. Ava we love you and we should've thought more about how this would affect you and play out in your mind. Please come home Evangeline I love you!' That last I love you got me. I was convinced! I don't know how but I was!

It was now like 1:00 I got all of my stuff (which was basically my phone and jacket) and snuck out of Veve's window. I started walking down the alley but then I just broke, I started crying and decided to get back up and run home. Then I got out my phone and started calling Liam.

"Hello, Evangeline?" He said.
"Liam I-" I cried into the phone "I'm sorry I was stupi-" then all he could hear was my screaming in pain and coughing.
"Ava! Are you okay, where are you?!" He screamed through the phone.
"I- Veve." I managed to get out before I passed out.

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