16- "Long story short... She's pregnant."

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Hey guys! I can't believe that I have that many reads! I know its only like 40 but I never expected to get over like 20! Thanks guys I love you! (lololololololo li have like 5k now)

It was the last concert of the tour. I was so excited that we would be able to go home! It had been a long tour!

We were at rehearsal and Sophia and I were sitting in the front row while Veve was getting dressed in the back. She had spilled all of her water on her and it was really funny!

Liam had decided to propose on stage at the end of the concert tonight. Then he called me on stage.

"Yeah?" I said coming up to him.
"I'm so glad you and Sophia are getting along!" He whispered to me.
"Me too! I can't wait!" I whispered back to him.

Then they continued to practice and I went back and sat by Sophia and Veve who was now wearing something Lou had for her.

"What was that about?" Sophia asked.
"Oh nothing... He just wanted to know if I wanted to come on stage tonight." I lied.
"And what did you say?" Veve asked.
"I said no, I'm not good with crowds!"
"Oh." Sophia shook her head.

Then we heard Mark call from the back telling us that its almost show time. Shawn Mendes was opening today I was definitely not going to miss it!

I listened to Shawn and then I went back to meet him and take pictures. Then I saw Sophia, Mark had given her the dress that matched the rest of the guys outfits and told her to put it on before 8:30. She now had it on with her super cute heels and her hair down and beautiful!

"Oh hi, did you meet Shawn?" She asked walking towards us.
"Yeah!" I said.
"Why do have that on?" Veve asked.
"I don't know... Lou said that I had a tear in the back of mine so she gave me this to wear instead, but I don't remember a tear."
"Oh." I said.
"Well I was just about to go watch the boys in the VIP section, want to come?" She asked.
"Sure!" I was definitely not going to miss the proposal.

Me and Veve walked behind her practically fangirling at the idea of him proposing and her saying yes!

We went and sat down right before the last song and listened.

It was Girl Almighty the perfect song for the proposal.

After it was done Liam started talking and the boys let him because they knew what was happening.

"Alright, that was the last song of the night. But there is still a big finale!" Liam said excitedly and the fans all cheered at the news.
"Now the big finale is a big surprise." The croad roared and I was getting really excited, then Paul walked up to us and waited.

"Hey Sophia, why don't you come on stage?" Liam said looking over at us.

Sophia looked shocked and Paul helped her on stage. She went up to Liam and hugged him and the rest of the boys as she passed.

The stage crew came with 2 chairs an had Sophia sit in one and Liam sit in the other facing each other. They handed Liam a guitar. He started singing the Chorus of 'What makes you beautiful' to her and she started crying.

When he finished a man from stage crew came over and grabbed his guitar and chair.

"Sophia, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Liam started. Sophia started crying more and Liam got on one knee and pulled a tiny little box out of it. "Will you marry you?"

Sophia shook her head yes and put her hand out, she wiped off her tears and stood up to hug Liam.

She kissed him and the band started playing, the boys (and Sophia) all waved good bye.

I walked back stage, I ran up to Liam and Sophia giving them a big embrace and they returned it.

"Are you ok babe?" Liam asked with a laugh.
"Yeah, I'm just so happy!" I told him.

Sophia and Liam chuckled.

We all walked back to the dressing room and packed up. Sophia was coming back home with us but we had to drive to the airport in the morning because it was 6 hours away. So we decided to stay at a rest stop for the night.

*Some time later*

"So do you think we should have the wedding at Disney World or the Honeymoon at Disney World." Liam asked Sophia.
"Um I don't know, probably the honeymoon." Sophia answered.

They didn't even realize that Veve and I were sitting right across from them. We were sitting there staring at them and listening in on the conversation.

"So who are you groomsmen going to be?" Sophia asked.
"Well obviously the boys." Liam said.
"Yeah but which one will be your best man?"
"Ugh! I don't know. What about you, do you know your bridesmaids?"
"Well I was thinking my two sisters Megan and-" Sophia whispered the last part then they both looked at me and smiled.
"Hey Ava!" Sophia smiled.
"Come here for a second baby." Liam said.
"Ok?" I said walking over to Liam and sitting on his lap.
"What do think about being my Maid of Honor?" Sophia said.
My jaw dropped and I smiled. "Really?!"
"Yeah!" She laughed.
"Yes! Of course!" I smiled.

The next morning I woke up and everyone except for Veve and I were out in the living area of the bus.

We heard mumbles and Veve and I walked out there.

"Hi guys!" I said.
"Yes, Finally! Ok Louis tell us the news!" Niall said.
"What news?" Veve asked.
"Louis has to tell us something." Sophia said.
"Ok, ok. Spill Louis!" Harry said.
"Ok." Louis started "Well when we were in LA I went to a club late at night just because I wasn't tired and I was bored. I started talking to this girl and she didn't even know who I was!"
"Wow!" Sophia laughed.
"Yeah. So, um... Then she told me I could spend the night at her apartment, so I did." Louis continued.
I could not believe what I was hearing!
"Long story short... She's pregnant." Louis said.
Everyone stared at him I'm shock!
"What?!" Liam was the first to speak. "You idiot! Do you even know her name?"
"Its Brianna." Louis said after rolling his eyes "I'm currently looking for a house near hers. I'm certainly going to be a part of this child's life!"
"Ok." Harry said.

The conversation drifted off to some other thing.

I was really upset with Louis! I honestly really looked up to him but he went and did something your supposed to do with your spouce. He hardly even knew this girl! I was upset so I just went to the bedding part of the bus and hid in my bed.

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