64- "I love you."

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"Leave her alone! She doesn't love you anymore! She's mine!" I hear Ashton yell. I jump out of bed so quick I forget Liam's on the phone.

"Hold on, dad. Be right back." I say quickly and set my phone on my bed.

I run down stairs to the living room where Ashton and Hudson are arguing.
"Guys!" I yell. They both continue screaming at each other and yelling and I wonder if this is how it all started the last time.
"Stop it!" I yell then start screaming.
They both flinch and turn to look at me stopping.
"Ava!" They both yell.
I stay silent and walk up to Ashton, I grab his hand and yank him off the couch then drag him up to my room and sit him next to me while I continue talking to Liam.
"Okay, sorry about that."
"What happened?" He asks.
"Ashton and Hudson were arguing."
"Did they just fight last night?"
"Yes, yes they did." I glare at Ashton knowing he heard that.
"Okay well how's day three?"
"It's good. Actually I'm trying to find another job. Hudson just got back from his and it made me realize I want to get another acting job." I say.
"What happened to your other one?" Ash asks.
"You really want to know?" I respond. Ashton nods. "My character was killed off. I stopped filming before I left for England."
"No!" He mocks pain.
"Anyway," Liam starts, "I'll let you get back to job hunting. I love you. Talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay, I love you too. Bye."

I hang up and turn to Ashton. He's smiling at me and place a small kiss on his lips before telling him to get out.
"I'm going to bed."
"It's ten at night, Ash."
"Okay. Goodnight." He says and puts another kiss on my lips.

I jump out of bed terrified. Another terrible thunder storm! I've grown to hate them completely! I put on my slippers and walk out of my room quietly. I go down the hall and stop at Ashton's open door. I look in and he's still sleeping completely still.

I continue down the hall to Hudson's door which is cracked open. He does this when he knows there's going to be a storm. I slip in and shut it behind me before going and laying beside him.
"Hi." He whispers and I jump. I thought he was asleep.
"Hi." I whisper back.
"You scared?"
"Why aren't you with Ashton?"
"He doesn't know I'm scared of storms."
"Oh, well I'm always here for you."
"Can you sleep."
"Probably not." I say rolling on my side to face him.
"Want to just talk?"
"Yeah, how are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, how are you holding up? With, you know, Henry being gone."
I feel depression sink over him and I somewhat regret asking. But this is what I came for. To help him.
"I miss him. He didn't deserve that."
"How was the funeral?"
"I don't know, I didn't go. I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"What about your sisters and parents."
"Hazel and Haley came over the day before you got here. Chad and Laurie came a couple times."
"That's nice."
"Do you still have his stuff?"
"Most of it. I put it in the storage under the stairs."
"Have you gone through it?"
"Again, haven't brought myself to do it."
"I'm sorry I was away when this happened. I know I'm the only one you can really talk to."
"It's okay, Ava. It's not your fault. I talked to Joshua a bit."
"I thought you stopped talking to him after he moved away."
"No, we talk still. Like once a week."
"Oh. That's good."
"Hudson, can I tell you something?"
"I'm really scared, to be in this relationship. I think Liam was right, I know nothing about him. It scares me. I really like him, he's real sweet and cares so much about his family but I don't know anything about his past relationships or if he's even had any. I mean. I'm sure he has, he's twenty one but still."
"Are you happy with him?"
"I don't know. We've only been together for eight days."
"Only eight days?!"
"And you brought him here?!"
"He doesn't trust you I guess."
"Really, he doesn't trust you. It's not about me, the reason he doesn't is because you're living with me. And why should he, really," he laughs, "it's the middle of the night and you're in my bed."
"Hey! It's because of the storm!"
"I know why but he doesn't."
"He doesn't have to know."
"How could you just bring him here? I mean eight days. How do you even know if he loves you?"
"I don't."
"Exactly. He shouldn't be here."
"I shouldn't be here."
"Yes you should."
"Because I love you. Never stopped, never will stop. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. If I lose you I won't be able to live with myself. I love you."
"Evangeline. If you don't love me, just go back to your room. If you do, just tell me, I want to hear."
I'm silent for a long moment, I can feel Hudson getting more and more anxious. I sit up knowing exactly what to do. I move closer to him and lay back down, my head resting on his chest before kissing his jaw and saying the three words I know he truly needs and wants to hear.

"I love you."

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