40- "Yeah, you can let me in."

112 8 2

I looked around wondering what in the world that was! Liam wouldn't knock on my door this late at night, he would just walk in.

That's when I remembered what Hudson used to do at the old house, I looked over at my window and sure enough Hudson's standing right outside of it. I go and unlock the window and only open it a tiny bit.

"Really?" He asks as he rolls his eyes.
"Can I help you?" I ask.
"Yeah, you can let me in." I rolled my eyes as I opened the window more so he could get in.
He crawled through the window and immediately sat on my bed. I turned on my bedside light and glared at him.
"What?" I asked.
"Babe, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that! I know that you don't really have a choice who you spend all day with. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"
"I'm sorry too. I should've been understanding and knew where you were coming from. I love you and I always will! Nothing can ever change that." I smiled at him. I leaned down to kiss him and before I knew it he wrapped his arms around my waist and yanked me down. Now I'm laying right next to him on the bed, so I bent over and grabbed the remote off the table and turned on the TV.
"What do you want to watch?" He asked.
"Um, shouldn't you be leaving? I'm sure your mother is worried sick."
"No, she doesn't really care actually. She said once I'm eighteen I can do whatever I want, and I'm almost eighteen so she doesn't care."
"Oh my god! I completely forgot that your birthday is next week! I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"
"Woah, woah, who said you're my girlfriend?"
"Kidding!" He chuckled, "I love you too much to not get back together."
"Okay good, I was about to throw you out the window!"
He laughed and took the remote from me, he began searching through every channel for anything interesting. He ended up choosing Dunkirk, that stupid Civil War movie Harry is in.
The boys are all coming over tomorrow while all of my friends are here. Most likely because Liam needs "reinforcement". He's ridiculous!
"Oh yeah, tomorrow some friends are coming over to swim. You can come if you want."
"What time? Who's coming?"
"Seven. Corey, Peyton, Sabrina, Rowan, Megan, Britney, Daniel, Cooper, Nathaniel, Shawn, and you."
"No Veve?"
"No! She's so annoying! She doesn't know how to act like a normal person when she's around us. It's the worst! That tour with her sucked!"
"I thought she's your best friend."
"Then who's your best friend?"
"You can be my best friend. If you really want to be."
"No it's okay, Corey can be your best friend. But I'm still your best boyfriend."
"Okay." I said as I yawned into his side. He's wearing my favorite hoodie and his grey sweatpants. He looks so good in hoodies!

Hudson's POV

Before I knew it she was asleep in my arms. She's so peaceful when she sleeps! I could tell she wasn't interested in the movie I chose so she just sat in my arms and obviously ended up falling asleep.

And apparently I ended up falling asleep too because I woke up in a terrible way.

I fell to the cold floor with a loud thud.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Liam's voice boomed.
"Dad! Stop! I can explain." Ava's voice pleaded. I now had a pounding headache and hurt all over.
"Get up!" Liam yelled.
I lifted myself off the ground and faced Liam.
"Nothing happened, we just fell asleep!"
"Get out!" Liam yelled, again. Ava was starting to say something but Liam cut her off by yelling for me to get out even louder this time.

I enjoyed messing with Liam, a lot. So to grab my phone and keys and kissed his daughter on my way out, was a lot of fun. The best part is that he knows she loves me so he can't really do anything about it. Being Miss Evangeline Meredith Payne's boyfriend is such a thrill, I feel kind of bad for people that aren't dating her.

This is my most favorite chapter out of the ENTIRE book! And I'm planning for it to have 100+ chapters! And let's just be honest... Hudson is a savage 😂

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