18- "Zayn, right?"

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Omg guys over 60 reads I never even expected 20! This is great! Love y'all and keep reading and please share!

Evangeline's POV

I woke up the next morning very, very excited. But I couldn't tell anyone my plan! I was going to meet the green haired freak Zayn Malik, and the boys would never know!

I had so many questions for Zayn and I couldn't keep track of them so I was writing them down on a piece of notebook paper.

Why did you leave?
Who is Naughty Boy?
Why is your hair green?
How old are you?
What are you doing now?
How old is Perrie?
How long were you with the boys?
Why am I not supposed to know you?
Did you do something bad?
Were you ever arrested?
How many languages can you speak?

I know some of these questions were random but they are things I want to-

"E! Breakfast!" Liam yelled from downstairs.
I put away my notes and went downstairs.
"We are leaving at noon so I need you to be on your best behavior while we are gone. You can invite Veve over but no Hudson." Liam said. I rolled my eyes at the Hudson comment.

"Ok." I sighed.

I ate my breakfast then I went back upstairs to get ready.

It was now 1:17 the boys were gone and I was ready for Zayn to be here any min-

*ding dong*

I grabbed my notes and ran downstairs. I peered out the peephole and sure enough a guy with green hair was standing there waiting for me to open the door.

I slowly opened the door and made eye contact with Zayn.

"Hello!" I said with a smile.
"Um... Am I at the wrong house?" He asked seriously.
"Zayn, right?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nope this is the right place, come in." I lead them to the couch.

"Wow, so many memories." He mumbled. "So who are you and where are the boys?"
"I'm Evangeline, I'm sure you've heard about me. The boys are at the studio right now."
"So why am I here?"
"Oh, I have questions. Would you like something to drink?"
"Water would be nice." Perrie said.
"I'm fine thank you, but what do you mean by questions?" Zayn said.
"Just some questions to ask, about you, and your life." I answered as I got Perrie water.
He looked shocked and I handed Perrie her water and sat down. I pulled out my notes and started.

"Why did you leave the band?"
"I just had some... Things going on that I needed to take care of and I couldn't with the band."
"Who is Naughty Boy?"
"My producer."
"Why is your hair green?"
"Why do you ask so many questions?"
"I want to know stuff! So why is your hair green?"
"Because I like it green."
I rolled my eyes. "How old are you?"
"Twenty two."
"What are you doing now?"
"I'm still singing."
"How old is she?" I said pointing at Perrie.
"Twenty two."
"How many years were you with the boys?"
"About four."
"Why am I not supposed to know you?"
"What? I don't know?"
"Did you do something bad?"
"That is none of your business."
"Have you ever been arrested?"
"Again, none of your business."
"Why do you want to know this?" Perrie asked.
"I need to, my father is Liam and-" I was cut off when Zayn started talking.
"Wait! Your father is Liam?"
"What... I thought you were the secretary I talked to on the phone."
"Nope it was me."
"Wow, okay."

We started to just talk, like real talk and it was now about 1:40. We all were still talking when...

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