29- "Pretty name. Why don't I take you out some time?"

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Evangeline's POV

I wasn't hooked up to any machines. I wasn't forced to be on my bed. I was allowed to move around the room if I wanted to. It was nice.

The therapist came in and took a seat without say a word.

"Um, Hi." I said as I looked at a paper she had.
"Hello." She stated, she said it so plain. This is not going to be fun!
"So what are we-" she cut me off.
"Follow me, we are going to the Re-Hab room." She said as she stood up and walked out.

We had a nice walk to the rehab room. I had a full gown on, which means it covers almost every inch of my body, and it was hot.

When we got in the ReHab room it was a bit colder than it was out in the hallway.

We went and sat at a table. She still didn't say a word to me.
"So, Are you the Therapist?" I asked.
"No. She will be coming here soon. She wanted me to bring you here." The lady said not looking at me.
"So who are you?" I asked.
She looked up at me annoyed "I just help the therapist."
"Oh." I said.

Just then a young woman came up to us. She had Ombre hair and bright blue eyes, she was very pretty. I'm sure Harry would try to lure her in.

"Hi sweety!" She chirped.
"Hi." I mumbled as I looked up at her eyes.
"Well if you're ready we can start now." She told me more than questioned.
I shook my head.

The other lady got up and left then the younger lady who I'm assuming is the therapist sat down.

"So are you the therapist?" I asked.
"Yes I am." She giggled.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.
"Of course!" She smiled.
"How old are you?"
"Twenty Three." She smiled. "How old are you?"
"Sixteen." I said.
"How is school?" She asked. We were obviously starting the therapy now.
"I don't go right now."
"And why not?"
"I have a tutor for when the boys and I go on tour but I've been using the tutor so that I can film." I explained.
"So you've been acting and that's why you aren't in school?"
"Are you still learning from this tutor?"
"So what's happening at the studio?"
"Just shooting."
"Have you made friends there?"
"Sabrina, Peyton, Corey, and Rowan." I said.
"Have you gone any where with them recently?"
"Yes." I said thinking about the picture that looks like Corey and I are kissing.
"Did something happen there?"
"No." I was getting tired of the back and forth questioning.
"Are you sur-" I cut her off.
"Would you just like me to tell you why I did this?" I asked sort of annoyed.
"Yes." She sighed.
"My friend got mad at me for no reason and Liam yelled at me." I told her.
"So what happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Well we need to if we are going to help you."
"Look I won't do it ever again, okay? Can I please just go home? I hate it here, at the hospital!"

She studied the papers the other lady had when she cane into the hospital room I was in.

"I guess... Maybe. As long as you promise not to do it ever again and realize the danger you are putting yourself in."
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Can I please go home now?"
"Go see your dad."
"His name is Liam." I said getting up and walking to the waiting room.
"Hi, the lady said I could go home now." I told no one in particular when I got to the guys and Sophia.
"What lady?" Harry asked.
"Um, that would be me." The therapist asked.

Harry studied her for a moment. I knew it!

"What is your name?" Harry asked.

Now that I think of it, I didn't know her name.

"Corin." She said.
"Pretty name. Why don't I take you out some time?" Harry said looking straight into her blue eyes.
"Sorry, I'm married!" She said.
"I don't see a ring." Harry tried yet again.
"I'm not supposed to wear it while working with patients." She smiled sarcastically and turned to the other boys.
I laughed at the thought of Harry Styles being rejected.
"Which of you are the father?" She asked.
"I am." Liam said standing up .
"Great!" She said walking over to him. They continued talking and Sophia was listening because Liam wasn't good at it.
"She turned you down!" Louis laughed.
"Looks like she doesn't want anything to do with you!" Niall said.
Harry shrugged and I started laughing so hard at nothing.
"What?" Harry asked.
"This is too funny!" I got out.
"Whatever!" Harry rolled his eyes.

I sat in a chair next to Harry and was bored easily.
I sat there doing nothing. It was horrible. I get bored way to easily.

"Ok!" Liam said walking over to us. "You can go home after the doctor approves!" He said.
"Ok, I'll go get dressed." I said walking back to the hospital room where my clothes were.

I got dressed and left the gown on the bed that was already stripped for the next person.
I walked back out to find the doctor talking to Harry. And all the guys listening in.

"Ok, Evangeline. You can leave!" Smiled the doctor who's name I did not know.

I smiled back at her and left with Sophia. The boys followed behind us.
We got in the limo and drove to... Not our house.

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I'm taking you shopping!" Sophia smiled.
"Oh." I said, I was just happy I was wearing a long sleeved shirt.

We pulled up in front of the mall and Liam said that he wanted to come with and eventually all the guys were coming so the limo just waited for us.

"Ok, first we are going to get you a new phone." Sophia said taking my old phone out of her purse.

We got out of the limo and in the matter of minutes fans were swarming us. We eventually made it inside and started to go through the croud of fans and got in the phone store. They closed it down and waited for the security to get here. Once they did we continued shopping. I didn't get anything except for the new IPhone 6. I didn't want anything.

We were there for about a half an hour and then decided to leave. Its not as fun with a bunch of screaming fans around.

*Some time later*

We were finally done shooting and I had a meeting with the producer of another television show after we were done.

When the meeting was over I had three new auditions to go to. I could play pretend for a living! This would be great!

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