44- "Be safe, I love you."

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Okay so this whole big fiasco is spread out over like 4 chapters. It's a huge turning point in Evangeline's life and other peoples lives as well, such as Hudson, Liam, Corey, even a little bit of Elizabeth's. She hasn't really been a big part yet but she will be. <3 don't kill me! Kisses and hugs- Cam

A week later we had finally finished helping Hudson move into and furnish his penthouse. He let me do all of the decorating and designing which I was happy about because he literally is blind when it comes to these things. He thinks it's okay to wear a T-shirt and dress pants... No!

After finishing everything at four pm, Hudson and I decided to watch a movie in the now furnished penthouse. He picked the movie, as usual, and I hated it, as usual. He always picks some weird action movie, I rather watch a comedy or a horror. He's boring! My phone buzzed in my pocket and he looked over to me then back at the screen. At first we were close but then he pushed me away because I was "squirming".
I looked down at my phone which was now in my hand and saw I had a text.

From Corey: (4:26)
Hey can you bring over my sweatshirt? I'm going away for a while and that was my only one.

To Corey: (4:29)
Yeah, actually I can bring it over right now. What's your address.

From Corey: (4:30)
*Directions Attached*

To Corey: (4:33)
I'm right around the block right now, be right over.

"Hey, I'm walking to Corey's house real quick. Be right back." I told Hudson as I went and grabbed Corey's hoodie which I conveniently had with me today.
"Okay," Hudson started, "Be safe, I love you."
"I love you too." I told him as I walked out the door.

As I approached Corey's house I noticed it was in a small neighborhood. But the neighborhood looks nice, and cute.

I knocked and his mom opened the door and smiled at me, I met his mother once before. It was on set, she had stopped by to take him to dinner.

"Good evening, Mrs. Fogelmanis."
"Hello, Evangeline. How are you sweetie? Come in."
"I'm good thank you." I told her as I walked past her into the house. "Corey told me I could stop by to give him his hoodie."
"Oh, he's in his room. Upstairs, last door to the right."
"Thanks." I smiled at her then began my journey of finding his stupid bedroom. Gosh there were like six different lefts in this house. His door was open when I found his room and he was watching TV.

"Hey, Corey." I smiled as I walked to sit next to him on his bed.
"Hey, thanks for bringing me my sweatshirt back."
"Yeah, whatever." I laughed.
It became quiet after that, Corey didn't say anything for awhile and he looked like he was thinking.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked seriously.
"Sure." I shook my head wondering what he would ask that was this serious.

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