4- "I only tell people I trust."

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Evangeline's POV

I walked down stairs and all the boys were sitting on the couch and told me to come have a seat.

"Ok two things." Harry said.
"First, your going to meet the girls today, Liam's girlfriend and Louis' girlfriend." I nodded at Niall.
"And second, we know that you lied about your past, Evangeline." Liam said.
I sighed, "Yeah so, I'm not going to tell you for a long time, if that even."
"Why?" Liam asked.
I groaned. "I only tell people I trust."
"You don't trust us?"
"I don't trust anyone. Everyone I've ever known betrayed me!"
The boys were silent.
"Please trust us Evangeline. We love you and don't want to hurt you." Liam said to me.
"You love me? Really? You hardly know me!"
"Will you tell us?"

We were all silent, then there was a knock at the door and everyone turned their attention to it.

Liam answered the door, he hugged one girl and kissed the other; the girlfriends.

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