14- "Yes! She is my daughter!"

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Liam's POV

She called me, she actually called back!
She was running, I could tell. But she was also crying.

"Liam I-" she cried "I'm sorry I was stupi-" all I could hear after that was what sounded like bloody murder. I tried to keep my cool and tried not to freak so I screamed into the phone because I hears her drop it.

"Ava! Are you okay, where are you?!" I screamed and I heard a light response.

"I- Veve." she replied. I ran to my car not hanging up and listened to everything as I headed toward Veve's house. Veve lived like 7 or 8 minutes away by car. I left the boys worried on the couch because I didn't care, I just wanted my baby.

I heard a man talking and then I heard alarms, I started speading. The noise of alarms came closer and closer and then I saw it. A police car and an ambulance and... My daughter covered in blood and passed out on a gurny. I started sobbing as I approached an officer.

"What happened?" I asked the man.
"Sir please step away we are figuring everything out."
"Please I need to know!"
"Mr. Payne, do you know the victim?"
"Yes! She is my daughter!"
"Oh I'm very sorry sir. Follow me."

He lead me over to Ava.

"She passed out, we are getting details from the other man." He said and I looked over to the bloody spot on the ground. "Do you mind if we ask some questions?"
"Sure." I said trying to process everything.
"How old is she?"
"Almost 14."
"Evangeline Meredith Payne."
"And what was she doing out here?"
"Um well... She ran away and I suppose she was coming back home."
A man walked up behind him and started talking.
"What, what's happening?" I asked.
They continued to talk.
"What's happening?"
"Ok well we just got details from the driver."
"He said that he was driving and your daughter just ran out in front of his car out of nowhere. He slammed right into her and she kind of um flew into the air onto his hood then fell off and was unconscious."
I stood there in shock "Will she make it?"
"We aren't sure yet."

I started sobbing and walked over to her, she was soaked in blood on the gurny and the nurses were patching her up before putting her in the back of the car. She had many wounds, one on her head and one on her torso. Her face had blood running down it. It scared me and then the nurse told me to back away so they could take her to the hospital.

The officer I was talking to earlier told me I could follow along behind the ambulance and I did. When we arrived to the hospital I wasn't aloud to see her till the next day.

I called the boys and told them everything. It was about 2:30 at the time. I was very surprised to see who walked through the door next; Hudson.

"Hudson?" I said to obviously Hudson.
"Oh, hi Liam. Did you find Evangeline?"
"Yeah we did, what are you doing here?"
"My mother was rushed here this morning and my dad just now picked me up from school."
"Oh... I hope she is alright."

He continued walking with his dad to his mothers room I'm guessing. I wondered why his mother was in the hospital but I didn't ask, it could be a sore subject.

I heard a lot of loudness and I knew the boys were here.

They ran in and they all started asking questions all at once.

"Guys!" They all shut up quickly "All I know is that she was hit by a car and has many wounds; one in the head and some in the torso."

They all stood there looking concerned and Harry looked like he was going to cry. We just sat there and waited until morning, yes we spent the night there we weren't going to leave her.

Evangeline's POV

I woke up in the morning and had a huge headache. A beaping sound did not help. I groaned and I heard a heavy voice say. "She's awake bring the boys into the wait." I had no idea what the wait was. All I knew was that I was running back home and then I had excruciating pain and was on the hood of a car, then I passed out. I couldn't talk and I didn't feel good at all. I could tell I had wrap around my head but I didn't know why.

I heard a gasp. "My baby, I should've been more careful!" The voice was familiar but I couldn't tell who's it was.
"She has a concussion and is experiencing slight memory loss." That same heavy voice said.
"When can we take her home?" The familiar voice that called me his baby said.
I couldn't open my eyes to see people and it was frustrating.
"Not sure yet, probably about a week or so."

Someone sighed and I felt bad that I couldn't see who it was. I didn't remember much but that voice was familiar.

I tried to speak but nothing came out except for a groaning noise.

I heard some wimpers and some cries and all I wanted to do was open my eyes. I tried so hard but it didn't work, all I could see was black and more black. I heard a door and footsteps; I guess someone left.

I heard almost complete silence and I felt something go into my arm: a needle. I quickly fell asleep and knew none of my surroundings.

A couple of days later I had my memory back and was doing good. The doctor explained to me what happened and I didn't press charges against the man. (We were rich and he was running late for his daughters birth apparently he was at work when he got the call.)

The doctor told me I had 7 wounds; 2 in my leg, 1 on my head and 4 on my torso. I also had memory loss and shards of glass stuck in my back that they removed. I had a broken rib and a broken leg. Of course this all happened after I got my cast off from when Hudson broke my arm. I could go back home in 3 days! I couldn't wait! Unfortunately I had to be on a wheelchair until my rib healed then crutches. But the doctor said my rib would heal very quickly because it wasn't that bad. I had to come in for weekly check ups after I went home and after 5 weeks I would be done with check ups. Every thing was going really great!

The boys came in we started talking, they told me I had a lot of school work to make up but they said I had a long extension.

All of a sudden I had excruciating pain in my rib, it was like someone was repeatedly stabbing me in my side. I started to scream and squirm around in the hospital bed and Liam hit the button by the door. The doctor came running in and called a code blue on me. The boys had to leave and the doctors put me to sleep.

Liam's POV

We talking to Ava and all of a sudden her face turned a whitish type of color, she then started screaming and squirming in the hospital bed and so I hit the button to call the doctors and nurses.

They called a code blue on her and told us we had to leave. They put her on a ventilator (which is not a good thing) and moved her to another room. Looks like she isn't going home for a while.

And I didn't even get the chance to tell her my secret.

This is by far my favorite cliffhanger!

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