7- First day of horrible school of my horrible life.

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Evangeline's POV

Today is going to be HORRIBLE!

First day of horrible school of my horrible life.

Liam walked in.

"Hey, babe." Liam said.
"Hi, Liam." I said.
"Today is your first day of school! Are you excited?"
"I'm sure you'll do great, get ready!"

I hopped in the shower, did my makeup and hair and got dressed.

I had everything planned for today but I was still scared, they don't know about the evil and vicious Hudson. Just his name gives me shivers.

When I was done getting ready I went downstairs and sat on the couch, I wasn't hungry at all I was terrified!

"Love, come eat your breakfast." Harry said.
"No thank you."
"You've got to eat something; it's your first day!" Louis said.
"I'm not hungry."
"Suit yourself." Niall said.

Sophia came up behind me. "Hey E, I have a surprise for you." She held out a necklace. "It's a luck necklace, you wear it and it brings you good luck."
"It's very pretty, thank you." I said as she wrapped it around my neck which scared me at first but I got over it.
"Evangeline?" Sophia asked.
"Yes?" I quickly asked
"Where do you get your name from? It's really pretty and unique."
"Um... It's one of my great grandmothers' names."
"Oh." She said quietly. "Sorry for asking."
"It's fine." I stated.

Liam came down the stairs.

"Ok get in the car E." He said.

I wasn't going on the bus? Yes! Saved until second hour.

"Ok!" I said happily.
"Well you seem happy." Liam laughed.
"I'm just happy I don't have to go on the bus!" I laughed.

We hopped in and then I realized I was in the car with Liam Payne like the Liam Payne and if anyone saw him they would all freak out and bother me all day so I had to kind of hide him.

"Ok we're here, I love you have a good day and if you need anything just call."
"Okay." I said unsure about this whole thing.

I ran into my home room trying not to be caught by Hudson and luckily I made it. I sat in the very back corner away from everything trying not to be recognized or noticed. A girl with Cherry red hair down to her bum came and sat by me. Just my luck. Maybe this necklace is broken!

"Hi!" She said happily like she loved being here. "I'm new here, my name is Genevieve but you can call me Veve. What's your name?"
"My name is Evangeline."
"Wow that's super cute!" Veve said.
"Thanks. I hate it; my parents gave it to me."
"Oh so you don't live with your parents?"
"Um no, I was adopted." This girl was getting on my nerves.
"Oh cool so what's your new last name? I was adopted too; my new last name is Jordan."
"Mine is Payne."
"Haha that's funny, like Liam Payne isn't he dreamy!"
I laughed luckily she didn't catch on!
"Yeah sure he is dreamy." I felt so weird saying that about my father.
"Ugh and Harry too, his eyes are gorgeous!" She said.
I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were.

Someone sat in front of me; I knew exactly who it was at first.
"Hudson?" I whispered.

He turned around and gave me a grin with his shiny white teeth, if he wasn't so rude I would actually kind of like him! He had dark brown hair with some blond highlights in a short style and big brown eyes; he always had very preppy clothes on. His family was extremely rich and I was always jealous. But not anymore because of course I now lived in a huge mansion with One Direction!

"See you after Homeroom." He winked.

I was so scared he always used to threaten me.

The teacher gave out the locker numbers and combination, there was no specific order we just got a random locker.

I heard my name and stood up, everyone stared and whispered. Almost all of them knew who I was. I walked to get the card and quickly sat back down again. Hudson stared and me with a grin the entire way.

"Okay class; please go find your lockers." Mrs. Demy said to us.

I was the last to leave; stupidly! Hudson was waiting for me outside the door, he grabbed my arm and his grip continued to tighten.

"What is your locker number?" He asked.
"R-13" I got out.

He grinned and walked me to mine and his, we had lockers right next to each other. Of course.

The first bell rang and everybody started walking to their first hours, Hudson held me back. As soon as everyone was in class he threw me up against the lockers.

"Listen, I know you got adopted and all but your still just an ugly filthy rag to me, you may have better clothes now and makeup but you will always be a toy that everyone hates."

Rag, like a ringing bell in my head. Rag, I couldn't get rid of it.
Rag, the orphanage girls called me rag and Cole did too.
Rag, I hadn't heard it in a while.
Rag, it hurts.

"Why would anyone ever adopt you? You're a-"
"I'm what Hudson? A rag?"
"Hey! I'm going to do the talking, okay?!"
I flinched his words hurt; I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"Oh so you're going to cry now?" He threw me to the ground and stepped on my arm and hand, it hurt so badly but I kept it in. He walked away, leaving me to lay there.

I started sobbing and it hurt so bad it felt broken.

I walked to the office not moving my arm or hand. I walked in to see no one was in there. Thank God!

"Hi, um, I was wondering if you could call my dad to see if he would come and pick me up." I said to the secretary with a blonde pixie cut.

"Of course sweetie, Name?"
"Evangeline Payne."
She started dialing the number.
"Hello Mr. Payne?" She waited for a response. "Your daughter is in the office asking if you would pick her up." She waited again "Ok thank you, see you soon goodbye."
"Ok, your father will be here any moment." She said with a smile.

Of course he got here during class switching time; I knew exactly when he got here because every girl in the school was screaming. The secretary closed the blinds in the office.

Liam walked in and the secretary locked the door behind him.

"Hi, babe." He smiled at me.
I looked up and gave him a fake smile.
We waited till switch was over and then we left.
"So why'd you call?" He asked.
"I'm just not feeling well."
"Are you sure?"

We drove home silently and it was very awkward.

I walked inside and Harry picked me up off of the ground and I squeaked and whimpered in pain.

"Oh I'm sorry, are you ok?" He asked.
"I'm fine, please put me down."
He set me down gently.

I sat on the couch hardly able to move my arm. Of course every single one if the boys noticed I wasn't moving it.

"Um... E? What's wrong with your arm?" Liam said.
"Nothing I'm fine."
"Would you hold this book for me?" Louis said.

I reached out my good arm and he grabbed it.

"I meant with the other one." Louis said.
"I can't."
"And why not?"
"I fell on it this morning at school, it hurts really badly."

Liam got me up and took me to the car.

They took me to the emergency room which I hate. I hate hospitals, the doctors scare me.

The doctor told me I had a broken arm and hand, he put a black cast on me and each of the boys signed it.

When we got in the car the boys interrogated me.

"So what really happened to your arm Ava?" Niall asked.
"I already told you, I fell on it awkwardly."
"The doctor said it was almost impossible to break it that bad just by falling."
"Well maybe I'm lucky."
"Ava, please tell us the truth!" Liam begged.
"Fine... There is this kid Hudson and he-" I started but then stopped and stared out the window.
"He is bullying you isn't he?" Harry asked.

I shook my head.

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