69- The beautiful Clementine.

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*Ten Years Later*

"A lot of people think it's crazy for me to have three kids at the young age of twenty seven. But I think it's an adventure. Hudson and I have never been happier.
Married at twenty, first kid at twenty one. We've always known what we want. And that's exactly what we got. Beau came first, my crazy little six year old. Brown hair blue eyes. Don't ask me where he got those from. Scott came second, he's three. Blondie with a big confidence, his green eyes look just like Hudson's. Then came Violet, brown hair, brown eyes. She just turned one last week. You can chase after her when she gets here." I giggle then look down at my phone that just started buzzing. It's Hudson's 'I'm here, come help me!' Text. "They've just pulled in, be right back."

Clementine. What a beauty. Lizzie, or should I say mom, and Liam just adopted her. Sixteen, brunette with blue eyes, she'll steal your heart. She's so sweet. Really adjusting to everything nicely, even though it's her second day here.

As I reach the truck I notice Hudson's smile growing and I can't help but smile too. I run up to him and leap into his arms he kisses me and I smile brightly while looking at my angels in the back of the truck. Not seeing them for two weeks has been such a pain. Thank god I'm finished filming the movie.
"You take Violet inside while I hug my boys. Don't forget to-"
"Say hi to Clementine. She's real sweet, met her yesterday while you were gone."
"Good." I say and swing open the back door of the truck.
"Mommy!" The boys squeal in unison. My cheeks ache from all of my smiles and I unbuckle Scott while Beau climbs over Violet to hug me. They both attach themselves to either leg after I kiss and hug each of them multiple times. "Lets go see Grandma and Grandpa, yeah?" Scott yells a loud yes and Beau hums against my leg. Hudson follows behind us with a hyper Violet in his hands. When we walk in the house both boys run up to Liam in the kitchen and I see Clementine and Lizzie preparing the meal. I hear Violet saying mama over and over again from behind me and I turn around and take her from Hudson then peck his lips before I turn back to everyone else. I go and hug Lizzie and Liam and then put my kids in each of their seats at the table.

Lizzie and Liam come out from the kitchen and place the plates in front of each of us. Then we all sit down and have dinner with the newest member of the family, the beautiful Clementine.

Go check out the SEQUEL, Clementine, it's going to be super exciting! Clementine has a lot of secrets!

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