19- "Why are you in my house?"

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Liam's POV

I can't believe this... It's next week we are recording, great.

Looks like we are going back home.

We got in the limo, we were all annoyed by the mistake. But at least we get to hangout with E today!

We pulled up to the house and I saw a car... That wasn't ours.
I was so scared, what if they were trying to kidnap E? I ran to the front door just to find it wide open.
I looked inside and was shocked.

"Zayn?! Why are you in my house?"
I ran up to him and yanked him off the couch.
"Hey you were the one that invited me over!" He said.
"What?!!" Liam yelled looking to me. "Evangeline? Care to explain?"

"Well..." She started. "I, um..." She then started up the stairs. I chased after her and grabbed her arm before she could do anything. I dragged her back to the couch that Zayn was sitting at.

"What is he doing here, Evangeline?" I asked firmly.
"I invited him over." E said.
"Why?! We told you we didn't want you to meet him, how did you even get him over here?"
"You left your phone on the bed. I just wanted to know some things."
"Go to your room." I unhanded her.
She ran upstairs and Sophia followed her.
"Get out of my house!" I said to Zayn and Perrie.
"Liam-" Zayn started.
"Please leave!" I insisted.
He nodded his head. "F*** you!"
He walked out the door, I hope that it's the last time I ever see him.

Evangeline's POV

Sophia and I were locked in my room. I was so upset, he didn't understand that I just wanted to know who he was.

"I'm so sorry baby, Liam just wasn't ready to see Zayn yet."
I didn't say anything.

*Knock Knock*

"Can I come in?" Liam asked through the door.

Sophia looked at me and I shook my head yes. She got up and unlocked the door, they whispered something to each other for a second then they each sat on either side of me.

"Ava, I-" Liam started.
"No I'm fine." I stopped him.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"I just... Why don't you like him?"
He sighed and brought me toward him into a hug, I snuggled into him. "He just kind of betrayed us in a way, and I just can't really forgive him, yet."
"Oh." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." He told me.
"Its not your fault." I said.
He kissed my forehead and got up. "You and Sophia can go shopping for school today if you want."
I looked at Sophia and she smiled and shook her head. Then she helped me get ready.

When we arrived at the mall you would never guess what happened... People started asking me for autographs! Like what?!
It was so cool! They wanted my autograph. I wondered why.

Sophia lead us to Charolette Russe and we practically bought the whole store! Then she took me to the school store and we bought super cute supplies. Then we went clothes shopping... Again! We had the best day shopping, she even took me to Starbucks which I am obsessed with now!

"Hey Evangeline?" Sophia asked excitedly.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You wanna go look at Brides dresses?" She grinned.
"Yes!" I said very, very excitedly.
We got to the limo and started heading towards the store.

"Sophia?" I asked.
"Yeah sweetie?" She answered.
"Do you love Liam?"
"And always!"
"Do you love me?"
"Forever... Sometimes I might get upset or disappointed but I will always love you!"
"I love you too!"
She smiled at me happily and then we arrived.

There were so many beautiful dresses to choose from. We decided not to get one too soon, they didn't even know when the wedding was going to be. And we wanted the other bridesmaids to be here too.

When we got back home the butler had to bring in like a billion bags from the limo. And we walked into a BIG surprise.

"Zayn?" I asked.
He turned around and smiled "Evangeline, thank you!" He said to me.
"For what?" I asked.
"Because of you the boys and I are good again!" He said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yup!" He stood up and walked over to me then picked me up and sat me on the couch.
Wow! I did it! I did it! They are friends again! Go uncle Zayn! Yes!

They continued to talk and Liam told me I should go put my stuff away so I did.

*Ding Dong* I heard the door, but I didn't bother I just continued putting my stuff away. Within the next minute there was a knock on my door

I opened it and was surprised to see Hudson.
"Hudson!" I said more than questioned.
"Hey, Can I come in?"
"Uh, yeah." He walked in and turned to face me while I closed the door. "What's up?"
"Were you ignoring me or something?"
I had a confused look on my face. "All summer you wouldn't answer my texts or calls."
"What? I didn't even get any." I said pulling out my phone.

I looked at the texts and saw none at all.

"Look!" I said showing him the phone.
"What this doesn't make any sense!" He pulled out his phone and went to my contact.
"That isn't my number!" I said.
"Oh, Sorry!" He said.
I laughed "Its ok, we all make mistakes!"
We continued talking about what ever came to mind. That's when Sophia walked in.

"Hey babe, who's this?" She asked looking at him curiously.
"Oh, this is Hudson." I said "Hudson, this is Sophia."
"Oh yeah, I saw a proposal video on YouTube." Cole said.
Sophia laughed.
"So what are you guys talking about?" She asked.
"Well I was actually just about to ask Evangeline if she wanted to go see a movie with me tomorrow." Hudson said.
"Oh I'm sure she can. What time?" Sophia said.
"The movie is at 7:15, so probably about 7:00."
"Yeah she can. I'll tell Liam." Sophia said.
"Tell me what?" Liam asked walking through the door.
"E and Hudson are going to see a movie tomorrow." She smiled.
Liam just stood there looking at her. "Sophia can I talk to you out in the hall."
She sighed and got up, they closed the door behind them. Hudson and I just looked at each other awkwardly.
I heard them talking but I couldn't tell what they were saying.
Then they walked back in. "Okay you can go to the movie, but Sophia has to go with you." Liam said.
"Dad, I'm 16! I told Liam.
"I don't care! People know who you are now and I don't want something bad to happen!" He explained.
I sighed and then they left the room
"Parents." I said rolling my eyes and we both laughed.
His phone vibrated and he looked at it. "I have to go, see you tomorrow." He said.
"Okay, bye." I said.

He headed towards the window and hesitated before getting out. Then he turned around and came towards me. I flinched and he kissed my cheak, I smiled and hugged him.

"Bye." I said.

Then he smiled and walked out.
I felt how girls feel when they fangirled about One Direction.
I plopped on the bed and just sat there very excited and happy for tomorrow. Then reality struck!

I rushed to my closet and searched for my black leggings, my black tank top, my brown sweater, my waist length  necklace and my cute UGG boots. I decided that tomorrow I would put my hair in a side fishtail braid and put on the makeup Sophia taught me. I know that it's like Summer and stuff but the movie theater is always really cold inside so that is why I am going to wear leggings and a sweater.
I am so ready for tomorrow.
Liam and Sophia walked in as I was getting into bed.

"Hey." Liam said "We need to talk."
"Ok." I said getting into bed. They sat down on either side of me.
"So me and Liam decided to get our own house." Sophia said.
"We wouldn't move into it until we got married but we just wanted to know who you would want to live with." Liam said.
"The other boys, or Liam and I?" Sophia said.
I laughed. "You of course!"
"Really?" Liam asked surprised.
"Yeah, you're my father!"
"Awe." They said at the same time then hugged me.

We all laughed then they both kissed me and they started to walk out the door. I stopped them in their tracks.

"Liam, Sophia?"
"Yeah?" They said at the same time.
"Do you guys love me?"
"Forever." Liam started.
"And always." Sophia finished.
Then they walked out.

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