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Corey's POV

"I don't know." She shrugged and I let go of the breath I had been holding onto for so long.

Peyton looked at me with a grin, he was the only one who knew my secret.

I liked Evangeline, I like how she acts and how she looks. I don't like that she is playing Zay's girlfriend in this episode and I don't like that she has to kiss him on the cheek. I just hope she feels the same way.

"But do you like someone?" Rowan asked.
God Rowan stop prying her, I didn't want to know the truth.
"Kinda." She sighed.
My heart dropped to my toes and I swear I almost dyed.
"Why don't you ask him out?" Sabrina said sounding encouraging.
"Oh, I don't really think Liam would approve." She smiled and just sat there looking at her hands.
"Approve of him?" Peyton asked this time.
Now all of them?
"No, I mean, my last relationship didn't go well at all." Evangeline sighed.
I sighed kind of relieved to hear this.
"Evangeline, Liam wants you back home." Paul said.
"Ok." She sighed and got up to throw out her bowl. "Bye guys." She said waving.
"Bye see you tomorrow." Sabrina said.
Then she left and I just sat there, sad and depressed.
"How are we going to get home?" Peyton asked.
Still looking at my hands I shrugged.

Evangeline's POV

I layed in bed thinking about today and about what will happen tomorrow. Then, faster than a light, I went to sleep.

"Corey!" I screamed before I fell.
"I got you." Corey said reaching out to grab my hand. He grabbed it just in time and I hugged him relieved he grabbed me. I started to cry into his strong chest.
"Shhh. Its okay, I've got you." He whispered in my ear and I looked up at him as the tears stopped. He put his hands to my cheeks and he leaned down and...

I woke up suddenly and sat on my bed. Did I really just?!
I really just!
I layed back down and fell asleep again.

I felt a warm presence by me so I snuggled up to it with pleasure. Then I felt strong hands grip me and pull me closer to the warm presence.
I the presence sing. "Kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks." It was Hudson.
I heard the song continue but it wasn't Hudson.

"A long way from the Playground. I have loved you since we were eighteen."

I didn't know where it was coming from but I knew that I wasn't eighteen!

I woke up frantically and sat up.
"Again!" I whisper yelled.
But then I heard the song.

"Long before we both thought the same things. To be loved and to be in love." I listened closer as I got out of bed and went to my door. I opened it and the music got louder. I followed the sound upstairs to the third floor which I had never been in. It was like a large living room with glass rooms all around it and I saw five of the glass rooms. I saw the boys occupying the rooms, all but one that is. That one was empty.

They were singing and recording. They hadn't seen me and I decided to sit on the couch and listen to their beautiful voices.
I heard the music stop but I was half asleep so I didn't bother to move.

"Evangeline?" I heard who I think was Liam ask.

I groaned. All I wanted to do was sleep without thinking if Corey or Hudson!
I felt strong hands pick me up and carry me. I felt as though we were going downstairs and sure enough I was right. I still hadn't opened my eyes and I felt myself being put down on a bed. I opened my eyes slowly to see Liam looking down at me on my bed.

"Liam?" I asked trying to smile.
"Yes?" He asked with a smile.
"Will you sing to me?" I asked as I put the covers over myself.
"Sure." He said.
He started signing the song I heard in my dream and in the studio area of the house.
I fell asleep quickly.

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