62- "Get a room!"

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Ashton and I are having movie date night in the living room and Hudson is having "can't let them now I'm watching them but must watch them" night in the kitchen.

Ashton notices as well and keeps smirking whenever Hudson rolls his eyes or sighs.
Just to get on his nerves Ash puts his arm around me and I snuggle up to him, what am I supposed to do?! Hudson scoffs and shoves a handful of popcorn in his mouth. No more than five minutes later is Ashton continuously kissing me, wether it be on the lips, neck, cheek, or jaw. Hudson groans and yells, "get a room!"
Ash smirks, "yeah, Ava, why don't we go finish the movie upstairs?"
"Ash." I warn and Hudson scoffs at the nickname.
"Oh, no, no, it was just a thought. Don't mind me." Hudson says sarcastically.
"Okay, I'm done. I'll be back in an hour." I say as I get up, grab my phone and put on my shoes then walk out the door and to the elevator. In the elevator I shoot Cory a text.

To: Cory (6:42 pm)
Mind if I come over?

From: Cory (6:44 pm)
No, stranger, not at all. ;)

When I get to Cory's house I'm so relieved to see him sitting on the couch through the front window. I let myself in and go sit next to him.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Long story." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair.
"I've got time."
"Okay, well, I've been in England the last month. I was supposed to stay three months but I just couldn't. It was awful. Anyway I met this guy there, Ashton, we went on a couple dates and before I came back he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yeah so now I have a boyfriend. But Lizzie and Liam are staying there for the other two months and so I'm staying with Hudson and Ashton came with."
"Ashton and Hudson are living under the same roof together? Your now and your ex?"
"Are you freaking crazy?! They'll kill each other!"
"Calm down. No they won't."
"Think about it. When did you get here?"
"And what have the two of them been doing since you've arrived?"
"Shooting daggers at- holy crap, Cory! Help me!" I scream as I jump off the couch and race out the front door with Cory behind me.

Seven more chapters!!!

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