42- "Definite fake! Gold digger obviously!"

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After the movie we all jumped back in the now freezing cold water. We bought one hundred packs of thirty glow sticks and threw them all at the bottom of the pool. And by we I mean Hudson. He's a great boyfriend... Sometimes.

"Ava!" Louis called from the back door. "She's here."
"Took her long enough." I mumbled to myself. He said a couple minutes, it's been a couple hours!

I got out of the pool and walked inside with my towel wrapped around me. It is so cold now!

I looked over to where all the boys stood, a girl stood near them. They were all talking and it looked like she was getting angry.

"What?" I spoke before it was too late.
"Oh, Ava, this is Briana. You know-"
"Yes, I know." I stopped him. "I'm Evangeline. So lovely to meet you!" I smiled at her. The good thing about being an actress is being believable when lying. The best thing is that no one ever really finds out if you're good enough!
"Hi sweet heart." She smiled back at me, she was faking it I could tell. Does that mean she knows I was faking it?! "Nice to meet you too."
"Well you're welcome to come back and have a sit by the pool for a while." I faked another grin.
"Sounds lovely. I'll be right back." She said turning to Louis.

I went back to my party and jumped in the pool. Nathaniel, Peyton, Shawn, and Cooper were all playing chicken and I swam over to Hudson. He held me and whispered in my ear not wanting anyone else to hear what I might say.
"Who was it?" He asked.
"Louis' baby mama." I laughed.
"Oh. Is she nice?"
"I hate her."
"Definite fake! Gold digger obviously!"
"Oh, well, you would know."
"Huh!" I slapped his chest as he laughed.
"You hit like a girl."
I stuck my tongue out to him and swam over to Corey. I watched Hudson as we talked and laughed and he immediately became jealous. Corey and I made a plan. He would go talk to Hudson and I would sneak up behind Hudson to scare him.

It definitely did not go as planned! Hudson started yelling at Corey telling him to stop talking to me "or else" and I got mad at him. I would not be talking to him the rest of the night.

If you're reading this comment "I'm cold" because God knows I'm freezing right now!

After swimming everyone went inside to change. I put on leggings and a hoodie I picked up off my floor. When we were all back out in the backyard we decided that before we layed on the mattresses for hours not falling asleep we would go TP someone's house. And we knew exactly who's house to TP.

I had to go inside and pack twelve rolls of toilet paper, one for each of us, in my beach bag. It was ridiculous. When I got back outside I gave one to each of them. We snuck out the back gate and ran to the boys house, which is really Niall's house now, the others are just living in it temporarily.

We covered the tree in the front yard and all of the exterior! It was beautiful.
When we got back it was almost two in the morning and we were all wiped out. We finally settled down on the mattresses Liam and I magically connected to make one huge bed for all of us. I ended up in between Corey and Shawn. We weren't far from each other but not close enough to roll over and be touching. I couldn't tell who was the bigger threat to Hudson, and obviously neither could he because he literally came up layed on top of me! What was he thinking?!

"Hudson! Get off." I told him as I attempted to push him to the side.
"Get a room!" Britney teased and threw a pillow at us. Eventually everyone was throwing pillows at us and Hudson rolled to the side.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I felt him smile which only made me smile. If this is what my forever looks like, I think I'll be okay with it.

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