17- "So do you like One Direction?"

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Sophia came back to find me "Evangeline, honey? Are you back here?" She asked.
"Yeah." I sniffed through my tears. No one understood! My mother had cheated on my dad before but he never found out and I was to young to realize what they were doing in the room, making all that noise while my dad was at work. Now I hate it when people do that with anyone other than their spouce!
"What's wrong sweetie?"
"Nothing, I'm fine!"
"I think your not! I think I hear you crying. Can I open the curtain?"
I sighed "Yeah."
She saw the tears and frowned. I had the top bunk and Veve was below me. Sophia hugged me. "What's wrong, babe?"
"Nothing... I'm fine." I lied.
She just stared at me knowing I lied.
I sighed "Fine... I don't like that Louis is having a baby."
"Why?" She asked concerned.
"When I was younger..." I can't believe I'm actually telling her all of this! It hurts to think about my past but Liam showed me that it feels good to get it out. "My mom she, she cheated on my dad. I was always to young to understand what they were doing and I'm pretty sure my younger sisters weren't my father's."
She looked pained, I knew how she felt. It hurts... A lot. "I'm, so, so sorry sweetie!"
"It isn't your fault."
"What's going on?" Liam said approaching us. "Woah, why are you crying babe?"

I shook my head saying that I didn't want to talk about it. And he just looked at Sophia. She mouthed something to him but I couldn't tell what.

"Well why does it matter if Louis has a baby?" Sophia asked. Liam looked upset them stormed out of the room. I heard mumbles in the other room start to get louder.
"I just don't think anyone should do that with anyone other than their spouce."
"Oooh." She said understanding my logic.
I heard a smack and someone yelling.
"Why would you do that, Idiot?" It was Liam.
"What?" Louis questioned why Liam was getting upset and hitting the table repeatedly.
"You made my daughter cry!" Liam said.
"I'm sorry?" Louis said.
I ran to the other room and got right I'm front of Liam.
"Liam stop! He doesn't know! Its fine!" I told him.
"You cried! It's not fine!" Liam told me.

I sat by Louis, showing Liam that I was ok. He didn't know what I was crying about!

Liam sighed and backed away. Veve had to witness the entire- oh never mind, she was glued to her phone.

*Some time later*

We had arrived at the airport but this time the boys had agreed to do a quick interview before getting on the plane. Everyone except Veve and I had to be in it.

We got out of the limo and saw that there was one person with a microphone and a camera man.

Veve and I went to the plane and got situated at our seats. The flight atendent came and sat by us to talk to us while the boys were having the interview, I wish I could see the interview. I want to know how those go!

"So do you like One Direction?" Veve asked the lady who's name I did not know.
"Yes!" She seemed about early twenties, just around the boys ages. "I tried so hard to get a job for them when I was 18 but I was too young, now that I'm 22 I got it! They hired me a couple of months ago."
"Oh." I said not knowing that the boys just recently hired her. "Sorry to ask this but, I don't know your name?"
"Oh, its Jessica but you can call me Jess."
"I love your name!" Veve said.
"Thank you! Let's see I know Evangeline but I do not know you." She said pointing to Veve.
"My name is Genevieve, but you can call me Veve." She smiled.
"How do you know me?" I questioned.
"Well the boys told me almost everything about you." She said.

I was a bit scared for a moment, what if they told her about my past.

"Except for your past, I'm not supposed to ask you about that." She added. I was very relieved. "I know your favorite colors, foods, songs, movies. Anything you could think of." She smiled.
"What's my favorite marsupial?" I questioned her.
"Ok... I don't know that!" She laughed.
"It's ok neither do I!" I laughed. She was gorgeous! No wonder the boys hired her, probably for Harry. She had dirty blonde hair that came down to her waist, it was straight but I'm not sure if it was naturally straight. She was tall and I swear if she wasn't a flight attendant than she would be a model. She had flawless skin and big light green eyes that kind of reminded me of Harry. I don't know why she would want to work on this plane all day.
"So do you have a boyfriend?" I questioned.
"Um, No. My boyfriend broke up with me last week. But its ok, he cheated." She said.
"Its not ok that he cheated!" I told her.
"I meant that its ok that he broke up with me, I was going to break up with him anyway." She laughed.

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