66- "Every little bit."

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I glance at my clock, rub my eyes and sit up. Midnight. Midnight and I haven't got a second of sleep. If I'm so sick why am I not asleep?! Gosh. I throw my legs over the side of my bed and let my bare feet hit the cold ground. I walk to the stairs, stopping before I tip over from my dizziness then continue down the steps. I get to the kitchen and reach for a banana, but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear something hitting the ground repeatedly and the loud noise of a television.
I follow it, down the back hall that only has the storage room and office room and see light from under the office doorway. I crack open the door and peek in. The lights are on and a workout program is playing then I hear someone panting for breath. I open the door more and see Hudson doing push-ups... Shirtless. His back muscles tense and his arm muscles flexing as he bobs up and down with no struggle. Sweat glistening on his back and his forehead, dripping down to his chin.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He stiffens, stops in the middle of a push-up and just stays there for a minute before getting up and turning off the TV.
"Well, I was working out." He replies.
"Oh, at midnight?"
"Something I started doing when you left."
"Harsh." I say as he grabs a towel and wipes the sweat off then grabbing his water bottle and inhaling the water.
"Stop checking me out, you have a boyfriend."
"I'm not checking you out!" I argue. "I'm noticing that you've lost a lot of muscle since we've broken up."
"Like that's even true."
"It definitely is."
"Mhmm, well just so you know I-" he begins and I drown the rest out as I run to the bathroom and he chases after me. I reach the toilet just in time and Hudson is right there holding my hair and rubbing my back.
"Ava, what did you eat?" Hudson asks concerned.
"It's not food poisoning, it's called probably the flu."
"Well I think you need to see a doctor about this probably the flu."
"No! No doctors!"
"Evangeline, I know you hate doctors but this is serious."
"So am I, no doctors and I mean it!"
"No! Do you know what happened the last I saw a doctor?"
"Yeah, it was when you almost-"

I go back to my room and flop down on my bed. I hear the door open and close shut before I decide to speak.
"Leave, Hudson."
"Why would it be Hudson?" Ashton asks.
"Um, no it wouldn't be. I just assumed."
"Why? Because you just watched him workout shirtless and had an argument with him?"
"How'd you know?"
"I'm not oblivious, Evangeline. I know when somethings up. And I know what happened because I could hear the entire thing. My rooms right above that hallway."
"You heard everything?"
"Every little bit. You didn't think it was important for me to know that you were once suicidal?"
"You didn't think I should know that Hudson knows every little detail about you and your life and I know nothing?!"
"Fine! What do you want to know? Ask away!"
"What was so terrible that you almost killed yourself?"
"It was like right after I was adopted. I was having a terrible time with Liam and school and Hudson."
"What was your home life like before you were adopted."
"I was in the system."
"Before that."
I shift my attention to my hands and stay silent before he starts yelling at me. "Oh my god! Evangeline! I'm your boyfriend! I bet you told Hudson, I bet he knew within the first week of dating him!"
"It's true, I did." Hudson says as he walks into my room probably listening to our entire conversation. "But that's because I knew her while it all was happening. We go back to kindergarten."
"That can't possibly be true!" Ashton yells.
"It is." I say. "It's all true. And if you can't except that I don't want to talk about what my life was like before I met Liam and had a good person taking care of me then you can leave my room."
"In fact, why don't you just leave the apartment. There's a hotel down the street, I'm sure they'll be happy to have you." Hudson butts in.
"Wow, I can't believe this. My girlfriend prefers her abusive ex over me." Ashton scoffs.

7k!!!!! Thank you so much lovies! Xx- Cameron

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