45- "What if I did this?"

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He began to sit up and face me. He stretched his legs out past me and I was sitting Indian style on the side of his bed. He looked me dead in the eye and never broke eye contact.

"What if I did this?" He asked as he began to draw circles on my knee with his finger.
"I would say it's fine." I responded still looking straight into his eyes.
"What about this?" He asked as he slowly dragged his hand down my arm and grabbed onto my hand.
"That's fine."
"And this?" He asked as he took a piece of my hair and tucked it behind my ear before playing with the ends of my hair.
"Also fine."
"Now what if I did this?" He asked and slowly got closer to my face. I just stayed silent not breaking eye contact we were so close now our noses could touch, and I think they were. I was so numb I couldn't really tell. Before he said anything else he put his lips only centimeters from mine and said, "this?" He then put his lips onto mine and kissed me, I didn't want it to stop even though I knew it should. I began to kiss him back and we just sat there in silence kissing, and kissing eventually turned into making out. Shoot.

We stopped when we heard the floor boards creek outside of his room and we both turned to look. After seeing that nothing was there I turned back to him and looked him dead in the eye. It wasn't awkward, I don't know how, it just wasn't.

"Hudson was right," he smirked, "you're a great kisser."
"Hudson said that?!" I asked out of pure shock, how could he just tell people that?!
"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Corey asked me.
"Um, actually I can't. I have to go back to Hudson's before the movie is over."
"I'll see you later." I said as I got up and grabbed my bag.
"Bye." He said as I walked out the door.

I said goodbye to his mom as I walked out the door and around the corner, as I approached the parking structure for the hospital I noticed someone I really didn't want to see.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Actually I was waiting for you." Genevieve said.
"Did you by any chance happen to see my phone charger while you were at Corey's?"
"How do you know I was there?"
"Well, I went over to look for it. His mom let me in."
I stay quiet and just watch as her grin grows bigger and bigger.
"You know, you and Corey would be perfect for each other. I mean, I can see you've already got the kissing part down." She laughed.
"Please don't tell Hudson. It's not like he'll believe you anyway."
"I don't have to. I'll just send him these lovely pictures I got of Corey practically devouring you."
"Genevieve, please! You can't do this!" I begged on the verge of tears.
"Oh but I can, all I have to do is hit this one little button."
"Genevieve please don't! I know I've been a horrible person to you lately but I can change that, we can be friends again!"
"Oops!" (Hi) She mocked after she hit the button.

My face dropped and I looked over to the apartment building. "Have a good night." I told Genevieve. It was genuine. Only for the reason that I'm probably never going to be with the person I love ever again.

Sorry... Not. Did you like my Larry reference? #larriesaregoingtojailparty
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